If the administrator of my condo to give me publicly of civilization immediately ask for his removal. I would do even if the matter did not concern me, but another condominium. To be honest, I would also ask if I went into a condominium that is disagreeable and even if he had been right to give him of civilization.
This is because from my employees, salaried by me, I can accept some advice, be warned about the consequences which may arise from my behavior, but never, never will I accept a moral lesson in spiced with insults directed at me.
And unless I could never accept the accusation of being an uncivilized one that told me to take the civilized system "nail" leaflets on trees ...
This is what happens in front of a building in Via Flavio Stilicho. And not a tree in a courtyard belonging condominium, which however would be a gesture as regrettable, but on the public highway, on trees that belong to all citizens. This is what we read on one of the two, and the other is not dissimilar.
"We pray the civilized gentlemen who are wont to throw their garbage in front of the building to refrain from giving further evidence of their stupidity persevere in this practice. We are already sufficiently familiar. Thank You"
Some may say that it was a matter of urgency, because of the piles of abandoned bags that were formed a causa dell'AMA che aveva rimosso "tutti" i cassonetti dalla strada per dei lavori Acea che però avevano interessato solo i primi dieci metri della stessa. Ma non è così. Il vizietto di quell'amministratore è conclamato, come si può vedere dal cartello affisso sull'albero accanto molto prima dell'emergenza rifiuti.
Anche qui il piccolo Napoleone, come se quel marciapiede pubblico fosse una sua personale proprietà, dispone, ordina, vieta, timbra e firma. Non facendo di mestiere lo spione ho fatto in modo che non si leggesse il suo nome. Ma chi vuole può andare a cercarselo. E' ancora lì, in un certo punto di Flavius \u200b\u200bStilicho away. If he wants, he can read the name of the person to give the uncivilized and stupid to those that salary leaflets nailed to trees, including fighters ...
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