Tuesday, January 11, 2011

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Intervista a Michéle Alliot-Marie sul tema della tolleranza e del reciproco rispetto tra le religioni, traduzione dal francese di rosalia de vecchi

Michèle Alliot-Marie will launch next week in Doha (Qatar) an appeal for tolerance and mutual respect among religions monit .. (Jacques Torregano / Le Figaro Magazine)

Le Figaro Magazine: France has received 37 wounded Iraqis, victims of dell'atttentato October 31 against the Syriac Catholic cathedral in Baghdad and expressed his condolences in a week for 'attack on a church in Alexandria. But compassion is not necessary for a policy.
What will it take France to help the Christians of the East?

Michèle Alliot-Marie-For some time we witness the unfolding of a strategy of terror that seems to want to drive Christians from the Eastern countries in which they live forever. This logic is not consistent with the tradition of these countries in the Arab land, outsiders are not Christians but they are terrorists. The two states in which the two soi have been bloody attacks, Iraq and Egypt, are fitted with institutions and governments who claim freedom of expression for all religions. Terrorist acts directed against Christians have also target these countries. I spoke with the Patriarch of Antioch just three weeks ago. In predominantly Muslim countries shaken by Islamic terrorists, the Christian authorities fear that the support and help we can give them, to whom they are grateful, it becomes an incitement to exile: the Christians of Iraq are at them in Iraq, those of Egypt 'with them in Egypt. Those who feel threatened should benefit dxel'asilo right, of course, but this is not our part rispostada nYou can not be that accurate. As for the Christians of the East is now, beyond the feelings, to begin a real strategy and the overall response
For us, it is equally unacceptable as anti-Christian anti-Semitism or anti Islam. E 'urgent to do something. Next week, on the occasion of the Forum for the Future, to be held in Doha, Qatar, I intend to launch an appeal for tolerance and mutual respect between the three monotheistic religions. This forum brings together the G8 countries and the largest in the Middle East and North Africa. That sounds just the right place to send this message of tolerance and general respect for religion, whether Christian, Jewish or Muslim. I'm about to embark on a journey into the Maghreb, the Middle East to the Gulf, where I will take this message of tolerance and respect for freedom of conscience and religious freedom. It is not just a matter of principle. E 'in practice you should see the results. It 'also important that the EU speaks with strength and determination in concrete. I involved Catherine Ashton, High Representative dell’Unione per gli Afffari Esteri, insieme ai miei omologhi europei, il mio collega italiano Franco Frattini. Chiedo che il problema della sicurezza delle comunità cristiane del Medio-Oriente sia iscritto all’ordine del giorno della prossima riunione dei ministri degli Affari Esteri dell’Unione Europea, il 31 Gennaio a Bruxelles. Vorrei, inoltre, che non si tratti solamente della questione dei Cristiani d’Oriente, ma più in generale, del rispetto di tutte le minoranze religiose. Ciò è di fondamentale importanza, perchè bisogna evitare che i recenti atti terroristici innestino uno stigma inverso.
Ma, concretamente, cosa possono fare gli Europei ?
Gli Europei devono cercare insieme come contribuire very concretely, with the Member concerned, the safety of Christians in countries where they live. In northern Iraq, for example, the Kurdish area is home to a large number of Christians who fled after 2003. There are about 50,000. In a case like this, the European Union could not help local authorities to cope with the influx so that the refugees are housed in the best possible? We are sensitive to address this serious problem and we hope that the mo are also other European countries, many of which today they are dealing with, but separately, but better coordination would make the most effective interventions.
As a member of the UN Security Council, France is not has a job to do? Hano
The United Nations recently adopted a resolution on religious freedom, which was accepted by consensus. France has committed to this. An important role in the resolution of the problem lies in the UN, although I believe that the EU should have a vector as regards the adoption of concrete measures.
E 'possible to avoid a war of civilizations?
Al-Qaeda after the attacks of 11 September 2001, seeks to generate a general conflict between the Arab-Muslim and Western worlds. Let us not fall into the trap. The terrorism that target the Christians also hit the Muslims. I've had numerous conversations with leaders of State or Government of the region. They share our analysis. Against a common threat, we lead a common struggle, to waste us to defend our common interest, that of peace and tolerance.
How is it that in France or Europe, intellectuals, leaders, mobilizing public opinion in favor of Sakineh, mother Muslim sentenced to death in Iran, and less in favor of Asia Bibi, mother of Christian family sentenced to death in Pakistan in the name of the law on blasphemy?
Comment expliquer qu'en France ou en Europe, les intellectuels, les gouvernants, if the opinion publique en faveur de davantage mobilisent Sakineh, mère de famille Muslim condamnée à mort en Iran, et moins en faveur d'Asia Bibi, mère de famille chrétienne condamnée à mort au Pakistan, au nom de la loi sur le blasphème?
La mediazione non è lòa sola forma d’azione nè sempre la migliore. Ogni situazione richiede azioni specifiche. La Francia e l’Unione Europea sono mobilitizzati sul caso di Asia Bibi, potete esserne certi.

A questo punto s’io fossi stata Jacques Torregano di Le Figaro Magazine avrei replicato :
« Comprendo le « ragion di Stato », ma non comprendo i comportamenti degli intellettuali e dell’opinione pubblica.
Lei avrebbe un’ipotesi di spiegazione a riguardo ? Ritiene che possano esistere interconnections between the political choices dictated by reasons of state and the choices of the intellectuals and the general public? And how each can influence the other? and vice versa?
As a member of 'civil society' West tried by the wars of religion as the two world wars, I feel very sensitive about it ...


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