Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lupus Computer Sunlight

Back VAT on Ta.Ri.

No, this time to be quiet. I swear that all I would say spontaneously from me I keep it inside. If someone has their curse this time than you, because not even two days after news of the Christmas bonus AMA executives already I have to give you another piece of bad news.

The government has decided that the VAT on Ta.Ri., that the tax ..., sorry (they renamed it on purpose), the "price" Waste of the municipality of Rome to be restored. It'll then add a ten per cent more than you already pay.

VAT was removed for a Constitutional Court which ruled that the TARSU, fee for disposal of municipal solid waste, it is precisely a tax, could not be subject to VAT. Playing into the hands of the three cards has changed the name and "tax" has become "fare" , but for a service that is required by law to pay no choice.

Worst that while in other municipalities, because the problem is not limited only to Rome but covers all the Italian municipalities, we were limited to removing quell'indebito burden, the Government in Rome Alemanno, not to lose those revenues, had indeed complied with its obligation not to impose the VAT Ta.Ri ten percent, but increasing the price. How much? Ten percent ...

In practice, trying to understand example, if in 2009 pagavate 100 in 2010, with the VAT taken off, you had to pay 90 , but having agreed to a common have paid increased 100 the same. And in 2011? VAT will be applied over the entire amount, including increase, and then pay 110.

brainer, just a ten per cent. What do you want for the rich as Roman citizens and fed a little more heavy tax. Moreover, the same reasoning was also apparently done in May, during the first increase. Just to get it approved at the last moment it was not possible to send all the bills and the likes, for no fault of the citizen, claims the payment of the surcharge for late payment .

It took the protests of all the townspeople, including the mayor Alemanno same voters who apparently felt cheated, to make them withdraw. Then Ama "granted" the exception, but this time il sindaco non sembra intenzionato a riportare la Ta.ri. ai valori del 2009.

"Stiamo trattando con il ministero dell'Economia - ha sottolineato il sindaco - per cercare di sgravare le famiglie da questo nuovo onere. Siamo però vincolati alla legge nazionale e quindi non possiamo fare nient'altro che applicarla, salvo aiuti che possono venire dal governo" .

In parole povere, noi l'iva sulla Ta.Ri. la mettiamo, se poi il governo fa qualcosa bene, altrimenti il cittadino se la piglia nel c... No, ho detto che mi sarei trattenuto da facili imprecazioni. Ma insomma, avete già capito come finirà, vero...?


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