Monday, January 31, 2011

Outside Large Directional Tv Antenna

Private parking in Piazza San John Bosco

Passi per la pista da pattinaggio sequestra nasoni , chiudiamo un occhio sul baretto e sulla baracca del tiro a segno che sono sorti attorno, va bene anche il mercatino "artigianale" della domenica, ma che la piazza diventi il parcheggio personnel managers stand no, not good ...

bet that even that market, like the ice park, was sponsored by the Town Hall? Perhaps that is why the beneficiaries think they can consider that square their personal property.

In the new Middle Ages that we live in if you are in the good graces of the lord in turn can afford the other things that are not allowed, even infischiarsene the two unequivocal signs prohibiting parking 0-24 with forced removal.

Or are you among those who still believe in the fairy tale that men have equal rights and duties?

Sunday, January 30, 2011

What Happens When Anemia Is Untreated

dal dialogo di Romeo e Giulietta

January 30, 1595
Romeo and Juliet by William Shakespeare is represented for the first time

but thy name that is my enemy, but you are you, not a Montague. What is a Montague? It is neither hand nor foot, nor arm, nor face: no part of a man. Or be you some other name! And that's in a name? What we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet. So Romeo would, if not Romeo called, retain a charm of perfection, which also owns without that title. Romeo, because you did not find anything in your name, throw it away, and take all of me in return.

I take your word. Call me but love, and so renamed, from now on I will only love.

But who are you protected from the night stumbling in my secret thoughts?
............................................... .............................

read On Wings of Love I climbed these walls. Love is not afraid of stone barriers. Love, when something means, is brave and ready ......

How did you get here? Who guided you?
Amor prompted me to look for it, which then lent me his advice, and I in him, I paid my own eyes. I'm not a pilot, but you were far more deserted beach as the ocean that washes the more remote, for a commodity so precious, I will embark.

William Shakespeare! your art draws directly from the elevated regions of the Truth and you like your Prospero in The Tempest, work spells that heal and redeem, spells that lead to the man that can do object to the good. You, truly great fighter for equality, brotherhood, love in all its higher forms, as if I should, with the richness and strength of your magic poetic language, known and studied since childhood, heal the world!

" but thy name that is my enemy ": if you want to consider these words by linking it to an area much larger than that already so big and so strong and beautiful love of Romeo and Juliet to Romeo to Juliet, they could make us reflect on the state of injury that often a name, skin color, belonging to a group rather than another, for one sex rather than another, to an ideal and a faith ideal rather than another and a different faith or a "no faith" resulting in the encounter / clash between individuals and society, impede the achievement of a real learning process, based on direct human experience, and each other, from human without the "diversity" serves as a diversion and / or nullification of knowledge.
"And that's in a name?" yes, the name itself is not being, although it may make the tone and quality of its education and thus the formation of a habitus vitae, of a system of habits and behaviors, as well as of a particular place of thoughts, but a name can not determine the substance of a being: "What we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet." and "So Romeo, which if you do not Romeo called, retain a charm of perfection, which also owns without that title. "!
" Call me but love .... from now on I will only love . ": When a being is placed in front of another being stripped from the" costume "bestowed by the name he bears, he becomes Cupid: the encounter of two individuals that are experienced in their profound essence, free from any type of conditioning or social role, is a form of love. Love is the principle of life, the fire that burns, the movement that begins with each process of becoming. Love, which it takes the form in its higher forms, always leads to a movement, a transformation themselves, to a becoming.
"But who are you protected from the night stumbling in my secret thoughts?" night is the time of day when darkness and silence enveloped the world returning to the idle state, the day, bringing light and heat had broken, but, for this is the picture of calm. (Think of Foscolo and the Romantics, who just wanted to see in it the symbol of inner peace). In the "rest" of the soul being intent to reflect itself in his "secret thoughts", comes unexpected, unforeseen and unpredictable, seemingly random (protected from the night stumbling ...) be the bearer of love, of movement, dynamic transformation of the soul itself.
Love is the force that is not afraid of obstacles, but leads to the tireless pursuit across the border is too far away, the powerful impulse that makes acute listening, igor v determination, generous dedication, free and winged cont emplazione; Love determine its eternity and beyond the contingencies even going through the dense shadows. Heedless of the dangers of the dark, he is offered with courage and lights his torch!
Any man who can face the night without the suit which has been endowed by case approach and the "secret thoughts" of another, regardless of the custom of these, it's worth, as Romeo, to be called "Only Love."
comment rosalia de old

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Waxing Bad For Thrush

la prima donna scienziato

En Hedu'Anna

Throughout human history En Hedu'Anna is the first woman who has dealt with science where there is a story (about 2354 BC) En Hedu'Anna was the daughter of Sargon the Great The city of Akkad (2335-2279 BC), from simple cupbearer to the king of Kish (Sumerian city) became Lord of the four kingdoms, creating an empire that stretched from the Persian Gulf to the Mediterranean, including Mesopotamia, Elam, Syria, Oman, Phoenicia, and part of Anatolia Hylas to the river and proclaimed himself a god, son of Inanna (Ishtar to the Babylonians). According to legend the En Hedu'Anna grandmother, a priestess of Inanna, gave birth in secret in the city of Sargon Azupiranu laid him in a wicker basket has entrusted to the waters of the Euphrates. The baby was found by Laipu, gardener of the royal palaces of Kish who reared him as a son at the court. The same type of story will be taken to Moses in the Old Testament is in the mythical stories of Romulus and Remus and the founding of Roma.Sargon I created an empire, ruled in a balanced way, respect the customs of local people, surrounded himself with men of great value, he managed to create a union between tradition and Sumerian Semitic culture, was a man of war but also a lover of modernity, culture and science in which his people were maestro.I Babylonians gave enormous importance to the observation and study of celestial bodies in the belief that movement of the stars it expresses the will of the gods and could understand the destiny of man. This research, which combined religion and astronomy took them to the highest astral knowledge of those times, astral maps constructed in which could recognize the signs of the zodiac, they calculated the phases of the moon, the lunar month, its orbit and studied the reasons for the eclipse, measured the motion of the planets, the movements of stars, the solar year, the day of twenty-four hours, ' hours of sixty minutes and sixty seconds per minute and determine the measures of length, weight and time were the basis of knowledge of other popoli.Essi examined the positions of the planets for centuries and noted that cyclically returned in the same place, they called these paths the "great cycles". They established the cycles of Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus, noting the steps in the vicinity of reference stars and zodiac signs, some called it the start and end dates dei moti retrogradi e le date delle opposizioni.Di En Hedu'Anna si sa, purtroppo, molto poco; alla corte del padre studiava i movimenti della Luna e delle stelle cercando di fissare, come tanti altri scienziati, quei parametri che in seguito permisero ai babilonesi di giungere a quelle conoscenze sofisticate che sono state l'impulso fondamentale per l'umanità .
da La scienza al femminile di Scienza online, numero 5 Anno I 17 maggio 2004 Autore: Paola Franz ( )

Friday, January 28, 2011

Washing Boucle Sweater

Ta.Ri. VAT even on 2010

Here, another blow!

What's more, the reemergence of the Waste Tariff of 2011, there is a real risk that the Ministry of Finance also want that back on 2010, however, we Romans have already paid indirectly, given the increase in Ta . Ri. I decided at that time by the junta Alemanno. Here the news taken from Messenger:

"The nature of the tax rate applies, of course, to Tari 2010. Thus, the Treasury could claim that 10 percent of VAT was not paid last year. With two possible scenarios: the first is that the Romans, with the next bills, the arrears are also needed, the second assumption is that both the City to cover the debt that he loves against the State (estimated 70 million). "

First or second option, that money will come anyway from the pockets of Roman citizens. And of course the back taxes will be calculated not on the old tariff of 2009, but the new one. at least I hope not claim that a surcharge for late payment.

And to think that there have been those (poor deluded!) tried to give back the taxes themselves overpaid in previous years. For these, more than nine thousand, have little hope that the stolen goods back

Now the curses are not enough, more curses ...

(thanks to Laura for her useful recommendations)

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Lupus Computer Sunlight

Back VAT on Ta.Ri.

No, this time to be quiet. I swear that all I would say spontaneously from me I keep it inside. If someone has their curse this time than you, because not even two days after news of the Christmas bonus AMA executives already I have to give you another piece of bad news.

The government has decided that the VAT on Ta.Ri., that the tax ..., sorry (they renamed it on purpose), the "price" Waste of the municipality of Rome to be restored. It'll then add a ten per cent more than you already pay.

VAT was removed for a Constitutional Court which ruled that the TARSU, fee for disposal of municipal solid waste, it is precisely a tax, could not be subject to VAT. Playing into the hands of the three cards has changed the name and "tax" has become "fare" , but for a service that is required by law to pay no choice.

Worst that while in other municipalities, because the problem is not limited only to Rome but covers all the Italian municipalities, we were limited to removing quell'indebito burden, the Government in Rome Alemanno, not to lose those revenues, had indeed complied with its obligation not to impose the VAT Ta.Ri ten percent, but increasing the price. How much? Ten percent ...

In practice, trying to understand example, if in 2009 pagavate 100 in 2010, with the VAT taken off, you had to pay 90 , but having agreed to a common have paid increased 100 the same. And in 2011? VAT will be applied over the entire amount, including increase, and then pay 110.

brainer, just a ten per cent. What do you want for the rich as Roman citizens and fed a little more heavy tax. Moreover, the same reasoning was also apparently done in May, during the first increase. Just to get it approved at the last moment it was not possible to send all the bills and the likes, for no fault of the citizen, claims the payment of the surcharge for late payment .

It took the protests of all the townspeople, including the mayor Alemanno same voters who apparently felt cheated, to make them withdraw. Then Ama "granted" the exception, but this time il sindaco non sembra intenzionato a riportare la Ta.ri. ai valori del 2009.

"Stiamo trattando con il ministero dell'Economia - ha sottolineato il sindaco - per cercare di sgravare le famiglie da questo nuovo onere. Siamo però vincolati alla legge nazionale e quindi non possiamo fare nient'altro che applicarla, salvo aiuti che possono venire dal governo" .

In parole povere, noi l'iva sulla Ta.Ri. la mettiamo, se poi il governo fa qualcosa bene, altrimenti il cittadino se la piglia nel c... No, ho detto che mi sarei trattenuto da facili imprecazioni. Ma insomma, avete già capito come finirà, vero...?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

About Kurdish Clothes

or Franz or Spain, provided that if magna

Ma porca di quella troia lurida incallita sbocchinatrice di una puttana con la sifilide che non se l'alza più nessuno manco un nano infoiato strafatto di viagra!!! 30.000 euro si sono presi! Trentamila euro a capoccia! Si sono dati la gratifica natalizia, sti pezzi di...! 30.000 ai direttori e 15.000 ai dirigenti. E so' soldi nostri! Capito?

No, non sono impazzito. E scusate il linguaggio, ma leggetevi questa notizia dal Messaggero e poi vedete se non vi incazzate pure voi, ma di brutto!

L'Ama premia: 30mila euro ai direttori nonostante i conti e le assunzioni facili - Bonus natalizio dopo 15 anni di austerity

ROMA - Guardando lo stato di pulizia delle strade di Roma, considerando l’efficienza della raccolta dei rifiuti e il costo che ha per i romani, andrebbero dato un premio ai manager? Secondo l’Ama sì. E così alla fine del 2010 i vertici aziendali hanno deciso di dare il “buon Natale” ai loro uomini più fidati. E che buon Natale: in tempi di crisi economica, conti in bilico e scandali per le assunzioni facili, l’Ama ha regalato ai circa dieci direttori un assegno da 30.000 euro; ai dirigenti 15mila e ai quadri di ottavo livello che sono una ventina altri 10mila euro ciascuno...

Glieli abbiamo dati con la Ta.Ri. per pulire la città e questi ci si sono fatti il regalino di Natale. Allora, ho ragione o no a smadonnare? Cioè, no, ma vi siete guardati attorno? Mai Roma è stata più zozza, per riuscirci hanno pure dovuto assumere un bel po' di parenti amici e camerati, e questi che fanno? Invece di andarsi a sotterrare dalla vergogna si spartiscono il bottino. E a proposito di camerati, per caso i 30.000 euro se li è beccati pure Stefano Andrini , l'ex naziskin che avevano imbucato all'AMA...?

30.000 euro di bonus così, per le piccole spese, quando la maggior parte  della gente a Roma per guadagnarne la metà deve buttare il sangue per un full year of effort. Then one of those executives who have pocketed those beautiful pennies we know it well. It 's that Fulvio Torreta meetings that led to the farce of the AMA with the people here is that the Tuscolano Marconi. One who had already talked to her, as written by the Corriere della Sera , because as a former chairperson for the center-left has found himself the leader ready to place the WADA. Right and left, or Spain or Franza, always hand in hand when it comes to garbage.

can see that they rewarded for a job well done. Our neighborhood is reduced to a landfill, but he catches the pecuniary. So much us that we were well to listen to instead of spernacchiarlo as he deserved!

angry, blacks are pissed! Make sure to read the comments on Messenger, which is certainly not an extremist newspaper and write for you must be registered. Yet there are a lot of bales turn to the news. These are excerpts from the comments.

They change the subject but manages portfolios for example I know all the same. Thieves (Maxmar66)

crazy! Alemanno is digging the grave. (Itabo)

But what are we waiting to take to the streets and sweep them away, quiesti mondezzari criminals. They're sucking the blood, and their richer.
Vergonaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (Domenico50)

only 30 000 to € dcembre ????? but poor people, who knows' that bad Christmas will have passed !!!!! now .... you understand what is the purpose the ESOS AMA bills ????? (paolob)

After Parentopoli, yet the prize to the pictures? how to run the AMA, the frameworks should stick ar Muro.é as the introduction says, the vessel Pandora's Box has just been opened, and if you already feel na !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great Stink (sapa)

In Love is the climate of terror! or do quello che dice il padrone o vieni trasferito con la compiacenza del tuo Direttore o dirigente perchè a loro interessa solo strisciare ai piedi di Panzironi che a fine anno li premia con dei bei soldoni...tanto mica sono i suoi ? Direttori, dirigenti, impiegati, operai e sigle sindacali ..tutti pecoroni inchinati davanti a Panzironi come il resto d'Italia che s'inchina a Berlusconi. (lillota)

Fanno schifo!!!io lavoro all'Ama come operaio da 17 anni e a dicembre non mi hanno dato nulla!!!e loro che gia' rubano tutto l'anno sulle commesse del vestiario,stipendi da capogiro x non fare nulla e altri impicci si fanno un regalo da 30000 20000 e 15000.Addaveni' baffone come si diceva una volta!!! (jacfrancese)

"Emperor, the army complained" response "to the general salary increase" (France)

and 'unheard-of a shame ... (Piepe)

Shameless (six hundred)

Yuck (lucianoshila)

Shame, shame, shame! This is the word that comes to mind of anyone who has read that article and this is the situation now hooked on their awards to us the rubbish in the streets.

How could our grandparents wisely swore about those prizes thirty thousand euro: "all in medicine you have to go ...!"

Monday, January 24, 2011

Geophysics Earth Core Gold Platinum

Via Lucio Mummy, updated

Only this afternoon the AMA has finally intervened to remove the mountain of bags that we had already shown in a photo taken yesterday direct consequence of the removal without notice of the green bins from the area.

And he did his usual show of force in military posture, with a "relative Alemanno" by car service mass across the street to block traffic, two workers with mini-auto-compacting garbage to pull up and two others, in "bourgeois" to supervise everything.

If the cleaning operation has been done on the recommendation of someone or because WADA read this blog (this may be ...) does not matter because a few long hours and that stack of waste will reform again, as for months around the neighborhood ...

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The area expands

This time without notice, even if like a sticker on the boxes on Viale Palmiro Togliatti (which fortunately, however, are still in place), the AMA has taken the green bins for the remaining undifferentiated from another area of \u200b\u200bthe district, one that goes away from Calpurnius Piso, Via Ponzio Comino.

Keep up the wretched policy against the citizens of this City Council the center right with the active complicity of the center-left city hall, its minisindaco Sandro Medici, of Tuscolano members of the PD and the deathly silence of all the directors of the tenth city hall, including those who say (we now understand, only words) the left and against the policies of Mayor Alemanno.

Right and left, all together happily. At Tuscolano you see that do not care about the scandals and thousands of its own assumptions WADA pretext of this diverse and denounced by those Opposition parties say they are as patronage ...

part of the AMA and administrators will persevere in wanting to impose on citizens and especially the wrong method useless, seeing what is different, however, ends up mostly in landfills. A method for which the municipal Roman has also been reported by its creator for plagiarism and that from October 1 of 2010 (when the bins were removed from the green zone first ) reduced our neighborhood in a landfill.

part of the institutions the only right answers to the complaints of citizens, which are now also on newspapers on the pages readers have been threats of fines and punitive squads AMA controllers, who go around almost always without recognition of the bibs to make ambushes for those who, due to the inability or willingness, not adapting to their diktat.

Now another area of \u200b\u200bour neighborhood will become rich by eating rats and pigeons, and inevitably will increase anger among the citizens and there will be more disputes between neighbors. Wars among the poorest of those who do not realize that this situation is not responsible for the condominium allegedly uncivil, but those who have put in a position to become one. And there are heaps and heaps of waste piled up where before there were the green bins or stuffed in force in those paper and plastic, without any differentiation, just waiting for a match to ignite ...

Meanwhile, the effects began to be seen. The impressive pile in the photo that opens the post is being Lucius Mummy. The green box at the center is the only one across the street, across the new area there are only two, probably because both are broken or forgotten. Senpre Lucio mummies are being taken more photos of these different points of the road ...

While this is the situation along the parallel street Calpurnius Piso ...

Shhhhh, do not tell the WADA, but there is still a way Tarquinio Collatino surviving green bin ...

this, the situation on the same road, but ten feet away ...

Come on Calpurnius Flame green bins have been removed entirely, with these results ...

Via Claudio Asella becomes the new boundary of the area without green bins, but there are scarce ...

And in the rest of the neighborhood, where the bins have already been removed by four months? There is at least the citizens will be adapted to the system ... Well, judge for yourself, this is the way ... Publius Valerius

While we are here on a Statilio Optatus ...

This is what remains of a trash burned on the same street. But, as we see, even if it is broken and useless people are still using it ...

Avenue of the Salesians is now a carpet of bags every day ...

But do not be surprised, all over the district the situation is the same. Ah, almost two weeks after the first report, in Via Giuseppe Belloni, that ensures that the AMA to clean once a day, the syringe that had shown is still there ...

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Business Congratulation On Marriage

The AMA and pears ...

Via Giuseppe Belloni, Decemviri right at the corner of the square, facing the one where most of the schools in the district, from kindergarten through high school. The photo with the syringe on the floor, probably some kind of memory toxic stoned heroin, was taken on day 15. But those who reported it to me told me he noticed it four days earlier, on January 11. And who knows how long it was there.

can not miss it, or to bystanders or the market that takes place every Monday and where firefighters pass the time. And it is impossible not to notice even for those involved in the AMA floating point, placed less than ten feet from that point, and especially for the cleaners of the road, right next to the square often his cart.

On entering the name of the AMA website, via Giuseppe Belloni , written out that street cleaning is provided once a day with a basic service. Got it? Once a day! Yet until yesterday, ten days away, the syringe was still there ...

Friday, January 21, 2011

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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Mccormick And Vanilla

continue the burning of garbage at Tuscolano

The tenth district of Rome, 180,000 inhabitants over a vast territory, but with its population almost entirely concentrated in a few areas with high population density, as Don Bosco where in little more than a mile under 53,000 people live well.

Many people, as a small provincial town, not a hospital or emergency room. Along with many other things that are missing and we would need this is perhaps the most serious offense.

But, fortunately, not to be missed are the fire department. By way of the Airport is the headquarters of the province. An important and necessary, because in the district in recent times there has been a great need for them.

are now ten points of the quarter in which it was set fire to piles of garbage that are formed every day since the AMA has removed the green bins to force people to do the "his" differentiated. We can see some , but there are many more bins blackened by the smoke of burning waste ....

that this happens for vandalism, boredom or student spirit, but also for the sacred rage of those who can no longer endure this daily spectacle of indecency under his windows, it does not matter. The substantial fact is that the garbage is on the road to Tuscolano, with scenes reminiscent of Naples of the waste and the same corollary of consequences, including arson.

Had it not been for the providential and timely intervention of firefighters, who are all our thanks, they would have had a lot more damage than a few blackened box. So far it went well, the fire did not extend to cars and trees or, worse, buildings. But until when we are so lucky ...?

It is hoped that with the chatter on various parentopoli and the appointment of the new environment commissioner WADA will finally decide to admit their failure and to restore a normal situation pre-sorting. Meanwhile, the usual advice is already given New Year: looking for parking if you come across a wonderful free place right next to a dumpster ... Well, look again, you should ...

Below here is a gallery of all the bins become blacks ... Pictured above are by way of Publius Valerius, while at this route Statilio Optatus later in the corner with Piazza Curtius ...

Turn the corner and here we are in the street where we Licinio Stolon en plein with three blocks of bins which are the traces of fire. These first two ...

This is the third, a few feet away ...

As a sign of burning on the box on Avenue St. John Bosco, just enough to be able to say that even there the fire is over ...

Back in via Statilio Optatus, but towards the Palmiro Togliatti. We had already reported , the bins were burnt two, the white has been replaced. Apparently deciding to change it would be useless, seeing that everyone else is still in place ...

We'll see how long it will decide to replace this by way of the Holy Roman Empire. His was an eloquent ...

It closes via Enrico MAZZOCCOLA. Two different points of the street signs themselves ...

And above all, as we see, has already been accumulated sufficient material for the next stake. The number of firefighters is the 115, will remember the case of ...