Sunday, November 7, 2010

Mount & Blade Unlock Level

If the Bologna Laura Bassi was the first woman in Europe to be a university professor in 1776 and finally, after years' intensive research in of the mathematical sciences, was recognized by the Senate of Bologna likely to teach physics, mathematics, Russian Vasilyevna Sofia Kovalevskaya was the first woman in the world to obtain a university: in Sweden, she moved with her daughter after the death of her husband in 1883, here, at Stockholm University he obtained the chair of mathematics, with the obligation to keep the lessons in German for the first year of teaching in Swedish and the following year.
Vasilyevna Sofia Kovalevskaya, who besides being a mathematician, was also an interesting writer and also a political activist, was born in Moscow, January 15, 1850 from a noble family. The passion for science and mathematics studies no doubt inherited from the father's family, is the fact that his grandfather's great-grandfather had acquired the reputation as a skilful mathematician, the other for his passionate study of astronomy. Undoubtedly, the small Sofia lived in a family that joined the aristocracy of caste, the great value of culture: he was eight years old when he began his mathematical studies. But this is not surprising if we think that many other women who then became famous for culture and personality began their studies, even mathematicians sometimes at this age and if we consider that the studies of mathematics, in many educational systems, are rated as training to accompany the man from the beginning, in the process of education and culture. We are amazed but the precocity of his intellect and curiosity keen that the little Sofia appeared early, as she herself tells us in his diary, Souvenirs d'enfance, in which the writer says that the first time with his family had moved farm, mancando la carta da parati per la camera da bambini, questa fu in parte rivestita con dei fogli litografati sul calcolo differenziale e integrale. Sofia, attirata da queste immagini, trascorreva ore a cercare di decifrare queste formule misteriose ed incomprensibili.

Era appena una diciottenne, quando, come sempre accadeva ai suoi tempi, sposò Vladimir O. Kovalevskjj con un matrimonio combinato. Egli era pure era un giovane studioso: un paleontologo. I due giovani sposi si trasferirono allora in Germania, ad Heidelberg, dove avrebbero intrapresero studi universitari. Nè Sofia avrebbe potuto farlo da sola, poiché ai suoi tempi non le sarebbe stato concesso se non accompagnata dal consenso del padre o del marito. Around 1870 Sofia and her husband were in Berlin, when Professor Karl Veierstrass, having been very impressed by the brilliance of his mathematical studies, he wanted his assistant, as well as its cultural activities took her to Paris, and out of the Gottingen His first publications, while she took care to leave friends and revolutionaries took sides on the front lines of opposition.
was in 1875 when he published his theorem Cauchy- Kovalevski.
few years later, in 1881, Sofia won the coveted title of member of the Mathematical Society of Moscow. Back in Germany, gave birth to her only figlia,ma poco tempo dopo, al suicidio del marito, entrambe si trasferirono in Svezia, dove Sofia cambiò anche nome, assumendo quello, peraltro assai simile, di Sonya Kovalevsky.
Durante il periodo della sua attività accademica, le furono tributati titoli onorifici di grande rilievo quali, nel 1888, il Prix Bordin dall'Accademia delle Scienze di Parigi e, l' anno seguente, il titolo di Accademico dell'Accademia delle Scienze di Russia, di cui era già stata eletta membro, e, nel medesimo anno ricevette il Premio della Reale Accademia di Svezia.
Era nata nel gennaio del 1850 a Mosca, morì nello stesso mese di gennaio, il 19 del 1891 a Stoccolma: una polmonite aveva stroncato prematuramente la sua ancor giovane vita e la sua preziosissima attività di matematica.
La sua attività negli studi scientifico-matematico ebbe come oggetto: la teoria della rotazione di un corpo rigido,che la condusse a scoperte molto significative che dovevano poi influire sugli studi successivi; il problema di Cauchy; il problema di Laplace e gli anelli di Saturno, ....... Non c'è da stupirsi che eminenti scienziati si occuparono dei suoi studi e ne trattarono nei loro libri.
Ma anche la sua attività letteraria merita un cenno: qui non conquistò titoli nè ambite honors, but captured readers for its lively and passionate nature, the desire, common to the human heart, the experience of love, to sigh softly yet emerged from the depths of a soul suffering ... for loneliness, disappointment ... the moments of misery .... but also the joys and hopes! We tell the affable and smiling, friendly, sensitive, acute and scope for reflection, with creativity and artistic passion.
He gave us, among his best works, The Diary of George Eliot, a memoir of childhood ... the memoirs and poems of the Polish uprising .... ....
the Russians hanno dedicato dei film, che raccontano la sua vita ...
Sulla superficie della Luna c'è un cratere a lei dedicato dal nome:cratere Kovalevsakaya.
di rosalia de vecchi


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