Tuesday, November 9, 2010

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ritratto di Lucrezia Borgia

The Dispute of St. Catherine of Alexandria with the front of the Emperor Maximin philosophers of the Borgia in the Vatican Palace, Pinturicchio wanted to give the appearance of the holy Lucrezia. As you can see from the above, we have a lean figure of woman with long blonde hair, whose hands from the tapered fingers with accompanying gesture discuss the graceful and elegant clothes and fine accessories that have nothing in common with the simplicity and purity of the holy dell'abbigliamnerto, as depicted in other paintings. Although some would question whether it's Lucrezia Borgia, this portrait is in the middle of the writings have not extraordinarily beautiful, but discreet beauty, long golden hair, which weighed up to the point of causing headaches , by the 'agile dancing figure "....."
you, the English cardinal Rodrigo Borgia, Archbishop of Valencia, his father, then intended to become as Pope Alexander VI, he loved the most among her children, while instead of them admired and feared his son, Caesar, was born in Subiaco April 18, 1480. His mother was Vannozza Cattanei, the Countess of Mantua lover for many years of Rodrigo. The girl Lucrezia was educated in a convent. It then passed into the care of Adriana Mila, a cousin of his father, and establishes a relationship of deep friendship, which lasted throughout his life, his daughter, Giulia Farnese, which some said loving father. Apart from his illegitimate birth, Lucrezia, pride of the father, could be considered to have all the luck and spent a 'joyful and happy adolescence.
But for women of her time to go natural was married very young to those who chose for her father, Lucrezia, thirteen, was joined by proxy, in marriage twenty-six to Giovanni Sforza, Duke of Pesaro, but nephew of the powerful Duke of Milan, Ludovico Sforza. The reason of state prevailed, and Lucrezia was carried out in its new home as a wife in Pesaro, far from the tenderness of family affection and exciting and lavish life of the Roman court. But not long after that Lucrezia moved back to Rome, while John remained in Pesaro. Alexander asked for the annulment of the marriage impotence of the groom, who denied it and accused him of incest with his daughter. Lucrezia, meanwhile, a young girl who had become careless in a very short time, the subject of this scandal, he retired to a monastery. And, after several practices and inspections, the marriage was annulled, the dowry returned and said that the cancellation was ordered by Alexander to send a wedding Lucrezia cheaper. He also said that Alexander would have removed John and that he had ordered the killing, so that the same Lucrezia, having been informed, has warned her husband and had helped him to escape. But what the truth is in those intricate years, not surprising that it is really difficult to know when and to our times, there are cases that seem destined to remain unsolved forever! And who, in this tug of war under the power is stronger, and win with him at times perhaps even its truth.
the sad experience of the failed marriage, the young, followed soon after a new and deeper sorrow the death of his brother, the Duke of Gandia, who had been suspected to be killed in revenge by the Sforza of onto suffered, but it also said it had been made to kill her Caesar's brother out of jealousy, because much loved by his father for greed and power.
not seem likely - depending on the version of the test does not exist - that Alexander has deemed to break the bond of marriage between Lucrezia and Giovanni for opportunistic political purposes, but it seems that the story of Lucretia on its relations with your spouse it was true: almost certainly the marriage had not been consumed for the same too immature age of the bride. However, the daughter of a powerful father could not remain without a major new husband and Alexander certainly continued to pursue its political goals in the design of which the daughter had to have a major ruol0 (paternal love? ... . it seems that this was the only way to conceive at that time!) as Lucrezia then married Don Alfonso, Duke of Bisceglie, bastard nephew of the King of Naples, with whom Alexander wanted to reconcile. He was just seventeen and it seems that it is now in love with Lucrezia. Now that she had made 18 he could even be regarded as experienced and capable as his guide. But, alas, their tender young love had a very uncomfortable frame: the political, which leaves no way of changing alliances, the impact on the affections of the scions of powerful families! So, after his brother Caesar was brought to France to ask for the hand of Carlotta of Aragon, who was under the protection of King Louis XII, hope, and with him the father AlessandroVI, can thus ensure that the succession the kingdom of Naples, and after Charlotte had rejected this offer, relations with the Kingdom of Naples cracks, while those with Louis XII, arch enemy of the King of Naples, intensified as it Caesar married the French king's nephew, Charlotte d'Albret, receiving the title of Duke of Valentinois, hence the nickname of the Duke Valentino. In cambio il re di Francia ricevette dal papa l'annullamento del suo precedente matrimonio e potè sposare la donna che amava. Da questa nuova allenaza derivò una sempre crescente presenza di emissari francesi alla corte romana e il giovane Alfonso, non riuscendo a tollerarla, fuggì a Napoli, lasciando Lucrezia nella disperazione. Per consolarla Alessandro la elesse reggente di Spoleto e qui la raggiunse Alfonso e, non molto tempo dopo i due giovani sposi furono ricondotti a Roma da Alessandro. Qui Lucrezia diede alla luce il piccolo Rodrigo. C'è chi dice che precedentemente da un rapporto sentimentale avuto durante le trattative dell'annullamento del suo precedente matrimonio, Lucrezia abbia avuto un figlio, ma l'attendibilità della fonte è still much debated.
no avail, however, neither the power of love that had kept them tied up to now neither the joy of a child to lasting marriage this bond, since it was defeated and broken by another force: that of disagreement, dell'antipatia of suspicion. In a climate of lack of morality and debauchery of impulses of passion, betrayal and greed in which they were sovereign power, there was no room for feelings of affection and loyalty of love and hatred was right!
Thus, was born and grew up to become abnormal, and the antipathy with her suspicion and enmity between the two relations, the night of 15 July 1500 some "good" assalirono Alfonso mentre usciva da San Pietro. Alfonso, malgrado le numerose ferite, riuscì a trascinarsi fino alla casa del cardinale di Santa Maria in Portico, dove, subito avvertita, convenne presto Lucrezia, che dicono sia dapprima svenuta a vederlo così ridotto, rinvenuta poi, lo assistette fino alla guarigione. Ma nell'animo di Alfonso restò la convinzione che il mandante della sua aggressione fosse Cesare ed un giorno che lo vide passeggiare non distante gli scoccò contro una freccia che, però, lo mancò. Questo suo gesto divenne il pretesto perché Cesare mandasse delle sue guardie a soffocarlo nei suoi appartamenti. Alessandro si lasciò convincere da Cesare e dopo un'affrettata sepoltura ad Alfonso, si mise a cercare Lucrezia to console the inconsolable. From Nepi, where it was withdrawn. This signed his letters with "the unhappy princess" and so, despite his pain, he kept alive throughout his life, the brotherly affection towards Caesar, who in fact did not appear to never held responsible for the death of her beloved husband. Maybe it's because Caesar, as his padreAlessandro, loved her with the intensity of the Spaniards, who crept on suspicion of incest? Lucrezia patiently endured a clerk called the Neapolitan "daughter, wife and daughter of the pope." Most scholars who have studied the history of the time, he says, without a shadow of a doubt that these slanders were belle e buone, calunnie crudeli, sulle quali peraltro si innestò la sua fama di donna fatale di donna abile e senza scrupoli, degna componente della potente famiglia Borgia.
Qualche tempo dopo questi fatti dolorosi, Lucrezia sposò il suo terzo marito, Alfonso I, figlio del duca Ercole di Ferrara. Matrimonio indubbbiamente vantaggioso per Cesare, che si sentiva così più sicuro nelle sue conquiste, dato che avrebbe, in caso di eventuali attacchi alle spalle contro Bologna, avrebbe potuto contare su una copertura. Le iniziali esitazioni del duca Ercole e dello stesso Alfonso, cui era stata proposta la contessa di Angouleme, erano state presto fugate dalla cospicua dote di Lucrezia. Ma, nonostante la "cospicua dote", - ci si chiede - una delle più antiche famiglie regnanti d'Europa avrebbe accettato Lucrezia come moglie del futuro duca, se le voci sul suo conto fossero state corrispondenti al vero? Nè Ercole nè Alfonso conoscevano Lucrezia e, secondo la consuetudine dell'epoca, chiesero informazioni sul fisico ( aspetto e salute) sulla moralità sull'educazione della giovane donna e così fu loro risposto dall'ambasciatore ferrarese: "....oltre a essere cortese, essa è pure modesta e discreta,e pratica devotamente la religione cristaiana.... la sua bellezza è meravigliosa, ma più meravigliosa è la sua raffinatezza di maniere. Insomma il suo carattere è tale che non è possibile sospettare nulla di "sinistro" in lei....".
200 horsemen fully armed and musicians and clowns were the stock held by Caesar for his sister who was married to Alfonso. And Alexander, fierce and proud, he added 180 people, including five bishops. 150 mules were loaded its equipment, including a suit in the supreme value of 15,000 ducats and a cap of 10,000 ducats corsets and 200 each from the price of 100 ducats. Lucretia, after he greeted his mother, ascended the English sound horse all decked with gold and leather harness, and his father Alessandro, sensing that he would never see her again, she went from one part of the parade to make sure that everything was perfect. Never before had seen such a procession from Rome and arrive at Ferrara, where, after 27 days of travel, Lucrezia and Alfonso met Hercules who came accompanied by a huge parade of nobles, university professors, 75 archers, including 80 pipers and trumpeters, 14 carriages of ladies richly dressed members of high society.
not apppena the procession had come to the cathedral, were freed political prisoners, the people rejoiced and Alfonso was happy to give a true bride so charming and surrounded by such splendor.
Someone said that this marriage has been accepted by the dukes of Ferrara, for fear of Caesar, but even if that were the case, it is established that Lucrezia, who by this marriage gave birth to six children, two of whom died in infancy and four others became important figures of the Renaissance Society, he lived his life as the Duchess of Ferrara in a manner consistent with its role and if he had at the beginning of lovers, including Pietro Bembo seems the same, it belonged to the custom of many women of her rank, though not tiutte, already in his time.
Lucrezia he was admired especially for his patronage.
In the last years of his life a profound religious crisis convinced her to become a Franciscan tertiary. He died in Ferrara on June 24, the day of San Giovanni, in 1519.
About her many stories that circulate, like the very famous ring which plunged in Cantarella, a powerful poison of his own invention, with which to deliver painful death ....
But all the documents of the time I speak as a woman "decorosissima.


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