Monday, September 22, 2008

Read Jthm Comics Free

Interview Higgs boson

Question: To level playing field I think it right to interview too ...

Higgs: I would also like to see well. Since when do we take it for granted that one does not exist just because no one has ever seen? For example, you ever seen God?

Question: Well, of course ... I spoke a moment ago

Higgs: I mean, he never saw his face, touched, button, or shake it is based on hearsay?

Question: Well, actually, I must sadly confess that I am one of those who trust the word of mouth

Bosone: Bravo! Però siccome di lui ne parlano in tanti si dà per scontato che esista, mentre visto che di me ne parla un unico imbecille, si mette in dubbio la veridicità delle sue parole. Un po' come gli UFO: comincia uno a dire che l'ha visto, casualmente altri mille li hanno visti. E prima? Perché non hanno parlato prima?

Domanda: Guardi, non è mancanza di fiducia, eh? Solo che davvero non sappiamo che faccia abbia.

Bosone: E che faccia dovrei avere? Come quella di un normalissimo Bosone.

Domanda: Ha detto bosone, vero?

Bosone: Sì, perché?

Question: Nothing, nothing ... I thought I had misheard. But, excuse me if I insist, it seems to me that before anyone ever spoke of Higgs bosons, so she should be unique. Or not?

Higgs: Eccerto, right, one and three. But according to you, it is possible that a single boson has given birth to the universe?

Question: Excuse me, but the universe did not invent God?

Higgs: Who?

Question: God is not without reason, scientists are looking for you looking for the "God Particle"

Higgs: Look, let's face it, I do not know who he is this God of whom Lei Who is it? A scientist? A physicist? A researcher?

Question: He likes to call himself an artist. He says he created the universe through a sneeze and the Pongo.

Higgs: But never mind! Do you know how many protons, electrons, neutrons, neutrinos, leptons, quarks, hadrons, baryons fermions, pentaquark, hyperons and so it took to create the universe and life?

Question: Not a Higgs?

Higgs: Well, clearly yes: me.

Question: At this point it is natural to ask, but she has that role in all this?

Higgs: I can speak honestly? I'm really not to blame. Let me explain: I was in a pub just outside the universe, this universe, I mean ... that is not created yet. I was sipping a Lewptiok Beltane in the company of a swing that does not tell her, showing off all my sex appeal and enumerate all the adventures that happened last safari extra-galactic eons before I turned two, including the creation of a spiral galaxy , when suddenly I felt a tap on the shoulder to do with unfriendly. I turn my gaze crosses that of a belt xetoril Rufuliano east of Vonanzia a pianetoide absurd that rotates on itself at a breakneck speed, but that revolves around its sun at a speed of a lumaca Bretaliana, ovvero praticamente fermo. Pensi che una rivoluzione totale del pianeta intorno al suo sole equivale a qualcosa come novemilionisettecentonovantasettemilatrecentocinqu- antottovirgolanoveperiodico anni luce al secondo. Insomma, una roba da invecchiare al solo pensiero. Comunque, dopo aver capito chi mi trovavo davanti ho gentilmente allontanato la bellezza al mio fianco dicendole “Scusa, cara, ho un affaruccio da sbrigare, torno fra due parsec”, dopodiché ho alzato lo sguardo: le zanne del Rufuliano stavano colando saliva sulle mie palpebre, le prime, non le terze, qui, vede? Il suo ruggito è riuscito a spettinare le mie sopracciglia, che noi bosoni portiamo lunghe per sfruttarle come riporto sulla fronte durante i gelidi Wuxxol winters. It 's the fashion, what can I do, and there is so cold ... As I casually rearranged her eyebrows, the monster vomits on my words in a jargon I do not know. Snap your fingers towards the bartender, who understands my desire to fly and takes me another Lewptiok beltaliano. With studied slowness me to his lips, then, with shooting feline him back on his pants: If there's one thing that Rufuliani not stand, you have wet my pants. While the incident reflected the beast (in a brute of this kind, before the message reaches the brain spend at least two to three minutes), I appropinquo to the door but not so fast as I hoped, because the crack of a whip is mesana squashed directly to my left ear, the first of five, now here is where the hole, clean off. At that point it is obvious that I can not escape, I have to behave like a boson and fight. I turn with feline sprint and jump towards the beast, without realizing that the doll that I was working on was actually a mutant gattelliana that turns into a fast-setting concrete wall at the very moment when my amphibians are tracked to hit the mouth of Rufuliano. In a moment I find myself trapped, with no possibility of escape, when, incredibly, I hear the unmistakable hiss of a rotating football hitting the wall first, then the Rufuliano and then also il barista, lasciando miracolosamente intatto il Lewptiok beltaliano. Ero salvo. Chuck Norris mi aveva appena salvato la vita.

Domanda: Ma perché, Chuck Norris esisteva già, all'epoca?

Bosone: La verità? L'universo l'ha creato lui...


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