Interview with God
Domanda: Come Lei ben saprà, non si parla altro che di questo, nel mondo: al CERN di Ginevra gli scienziati hanno avviato l'acceleratore di particelle grazie al quale, tramite un esperimento scientifico, prevedono di riuscire a trovare finalmente il leggendario Bosone di Higgs, chiamato anche “Particella di Dio”. Cosa ne pensa, Lei, a questo proposito?
God First of all I would ask you kindly give me. They are eons that consideration be given to modernize a bit 'on this big man, bearded man with delusions of leadership. With the advent of the Internet and all these dating sites, it's time to get out of anonymity and show what they really are. Is not it?
Question: course, but ... I am very pleased. Bellal, brother, how's up? How about this ... this Higgs?
God I can speak honestly? I do not know who he is, I have not this what you're talking about. At the time of creation of the universe I knew nothing about quantum physics. Credo di essere riuscito a malapena a prendere il diploma di terza media. Non ero uno studente modello e la matematica non faceva per me. Mi divertivano molto le belle arti, però: pittura, scultura… un bel giorno mi è capitata per le mani un po' di questa sostanza simile al pongo, o al Das, non ricordo bene, e ricordo i essermi divertito un po' a mischiare un tot di colori. Poi credo di aver starnutito ed è successo il finimondo.
Domanda: Beh, più che finimondo, quello starnuto è stato l'inizio di tutto.
Dio: L'inizio dell'inferno, credimi. Innanzitutto non sono riuscito a trovare un fazzoletto per pulirmi il naso e ho dovuto usare la manica della tunica, then came the teacher, in a gallop, crying left and right because I had soiled the classroom with plasticine. He put a note on the diary and told to return the next day accompanied by their parents and when I tried to tell her that I had parents gave me a liar and threw me out.
Question: must have been tough growing up without parents, without a guide. How was your teenage years?
God not really think I've ever been a time in my life that one can define adolescence. Do you see me? I've always been so, I was born an old man, white beard and worn appearance, including (among other things, I discovered that the gray-haired man catch a lot, especially among the models or Divette entertainment). But I had an advantage: I could go out and stay out as I liked without having to answer to anyone and, above all, I could use the car whenever I wanted.
Question: But back to the Higgs Boson, what about the fact that scientists are convinced that this particle is the spark that gave birth to the universe?
God First, they had asked me if I would have explained how I did the universe without going to the trouble that Mr. Higgs who among other things not even know.
Question: How can ? Yet the man you have invented.
God This is true, but I can not remember their faces or names of those who invent, no? Among other things, they are not very happy with the result. Let's face it, the man I used to create waste, a bit 'of clay and on. Not having access to the school lab, I had to take what I happened to shoot. Of course, if I had the Pongo ... but we are not here to complain, right? And then the woman came to me so well ... I knew immediately, however, that someone says that I would spit on him. I should point out that's not true but if I were given the opportunity at this time, someone to whom I would have spit ...
Domanda: Per esempio?
Dio: Higgs
Domanda: Higgs? Come mai?
Dio: Perché così impara ad andare in giro a millantare cose di cui non sa nulla. Come si è permesso di chiamare un insulsissimo bosone, che fra l'altro nessuno ha ancora mai visto, “particella di Dio”? Dove siamo, nell'acqua Lete? Che poi, caro il mio sapientone, il Lete lo sanno tutti che è il fiume su cui Caronte traghettava i morti. Tu la berresti un'acqua di nome Lete?
Domanda: Adesso che mi ci fa pensare no. Però Higgs ha studiato. Si è laureato.
God graduate does not necessarily know all the knowable. Sborone wanted to do it, let's face it: he filled his mouth with big words, however, in my opinion invented by him, and all say "but what a good" over here "but good" over there. But the evidence? Where is the evidence?
Question: 'well why it was created particle accelerator: to prove the existence of this element.
God Look here ', sorry ... someone comes along, put his name is Rossi, no? That tells you they have found a particle that any calls that I know? Landrulone. It is up to you and says: I found the Landrulone Rossi. What are you doing? Believe him the word?
Question: No
God Exactly! Higgs says that if I found out 'I'm boson must take the tests!
Question: Indeed, Higgs said he had found a hypothetical elementary particle, not to have found it for real.
God aaaaaaaah-Oh! See I'm right? It 's a braggart. I also am good to say "I found the hypothetical particle Spurefix. Only that if I say is true, because I, as God, I can actually create it. I'm just a bit 'of clay and that's it!
Question: But there appear to be evidence of its existence.
God And what? Am I wrong or has not yet been observed?
Question: And 'what should happen during the experiment will take place in Geneva, the Large Hadron Collider.
God Again, I do not understand ... we are in Geneva and called an accelerator with an English name? If we were in China as they called him? In turkish?
Question: These are subtleties. However you call it, with the experiment may seem to be able to determine its true extent.
God bells. They will not succeed. Will never allow a tiny particle supplant my authority as creator of the universe and the manipulation of matter. Figure that there would, after all these millennia? Imagine the headlines? "God is a liar, the universe has not invented it but Higgs"
Question: If anything, the Higgs
God Well, anyone even remotely try to take on the authorship of the creation of the universe will have to deal with me. I'm ready to freak out: as I have created I will destroy. Incidentally, I note that there are decades and more that I did not see atrocities.
Question: For example ?
God What courage! For example, 'Friends' the Defilippi, Costantino Vitaliano, Gigi D'Alessio ... one will take the piss and all of you to drool like decerebration. One sends you controcoglioni with people like Jesus, Gandhi and Pope Luciani and you take them out as if you were a dartboard.
Question: Uh uh ... well, you see ... but sometimes, ignorance is human to do things we regret later ...
God Not only human ignorance. I am also quite a few 'sorry for having created.
Question: If for that matter, there was even someone who has questioned whether it was you who made us.
God I know. A Darwin, right?
Question: Yes According to him, the man is the derivative of a natural evolution that began from the world famous Big Bang, which gave rise to life and so on ...
God Fami understand: this is what you are trying to recreate the experiment at CERN in Geneva, thanks to the famous particle accelerator should be able to help you find the famous Higgs boson, also called "God Particle"?
Question: Exactly
God Well, if evolution but have not created me, why look for my parcel?
Question: ... I do not know.
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