Friday, September 26, 2008

Can I Drive An Unregistered Car


"Evening, Doctor"
"Please sit down. So tell me, what's the problem? "
" You see, doctor, I have to fix the view "
" Well, I'm an ophthalmologist, is my field. What symptoms do you have? "
" To tell the truth no one "
" Like anyone? "
" None. Ci vedo benissimo, centro una mela a 300 metri di distanza, riesco a scorgere una sagoma anche al buio e via discorrendo”
“Allora, scusi, non capisco in cosa posso esserle utile”
“Perché tutti mi dicono che sono cieco”
“Quanti sono questi?”
“Due. Se contiamo anche il moncherino del mignolo che le hanno ricucito con 3 punti di sutura e che ha la pelle leggermente screpolata verso l’esterno, due e mezzo”
“Ah-ehm... a me sembra che lei ci veda benissimo”
“E’ quello che dico anche io, ma la gente si ostina a dire che sono cieco!”
“Beh, compiliamo la scheda, intanto: nome e cognome?”
“Eros e poi?”
“Eros e basta”
“Ebasta di cognome?”
“Ma no, mi chiamo solo Eros. Non ho cognome”
“Ma ha capito chi sono?”
“Santa patata! Sono Eros, il Dio dell’Amore!”
“Eros il dio del... mi sta prendendo in giro? Eros è un amorino con lenzuolino bianco legato ai fianchi, la faretra sulla schiena e un arco con freccia pronta a scoccare”
“Ma secondo lei, se mi presentavo qui come dice lei crede che mi avrebbero fatto passare? Sarei stato sommerso da richieste”
"Uhm ... in fact. Then she would tell me who is not blind? "
" I am not, Did I just proved "
" True, yes. Yet everyone knows that Love is blind "
" We want to stop? We see very well. Before people fall in love, then blame me "
" Why, is it not so? "
" Of course not. Let me explain: I'm around on my own, looking happy, no? I am enjoying a beautiful sunny day when suddenly I hear the thoughts of the girl who walks past me saying "Oh, if only my boss would notice that I exist ... If only you loved me! " And I, who are precise and faithful to duty, a desire to reply. I follow the maiden from his office, I see sdilinquirsi front of the boss, bow and arrows and hit recovery. The boss finally sees the girl and after a minimum exchange of pleasantries and jokes low cabaret invites you to come out. The two go out, spend a nice evening, have dinner, then go into a pub here and are served by a waiter who define Marcantonio is an understatement: two biceps like that, stuff for 15 hours in the gym if not more. I realize that the intentions of the damsel shaky, is not so convinced that the boss is a very interesting specimen, possibly because of incipient baldness or the fact that the armpit slightly spotted, do not know. The fact is that what first seemed an angelic creature begins to sound like a dumb servant with clothes thrown over. Groping to find a solution, therefore, must understand, the poor thing now is cooked rotten, when I hit hit and there's no way back. Then I look around and I saw a girl who drools for the waiter and think "God, how many children I would like us with a case. If the biceps is so great let alone the rest. " Now, maybe the girls did not know that the big gyms have everything except the one, but it's not my problem, then step on the offensive and ZAC! I hit the waiter. The problem is that the waiter was thinking "nice this tipino with balding" and finds himself in love with the boss. Of course, the boss only has eyes for his secretary, and the Michelin Man living can not help but attract the attention of the balding, pouring a drink on me and trying to clean it clumsily. Doing so will realize that the boss pattern balding valet FOPPAPEDRETTI down there is enthusiastically delivered and the waiter lets out a yelp that does not go unnoticed by the owner of the restaurant, one type at a Danny De Vito, but more fat and less sympathetic, which is approaches their table and notices the girl. At that moment he thought "Heck, waving! Of such a I also love, if I'm not tired after the second round. " What can I do at this juncture? I pull back the bow and let fly. For a moment I fear it was wrong because the secretary becomes aware of yes boss of the restaurant but it seems that the guy does not like. Cold sweat ... at that time a reasonable doubt that people have reason makes its way into my mind, then something happens, I do not know whether it is because of the Rolex 14 thousand euro, the boss has the wrist or otherwise, is that she seems to be interested in fat latin-lover. I'm beginning to think I finished my work when I noticed that the girl who drooled for the waiter is the only one that I still have not satisfied then again the bow braced and Zac! I hit it again. Too bad that at that moment she was thinking with envy of its neighbor, the one which shakes the tablecloth on the balcony filled constantly with crumbs and discovered with horror that, after my Scocco scored, is mulling to come home from the nearby to make bread crumbs on a whole of Puglia, not before, however, to have spread with Nutella, whipped cream and berries varied. In short, at the end of the evening I have: a gifted boss in love with his secretary who is in love with the owner of the pub that will fire for misconduct that the waiter was in love with the boss as a customer you pluck a resounding two of spades from the nearby crumbling because a few weeks ago the same neighbor I was struck by a dart loving because the plumber who is laying the sewer pipes under her house she's seeing invanghito shake the tablecloth on the balcony. Do you understand? "
" I really do not know ... What do you mean? "
" I mean that's not my fault, but yours! "
Nostra? That is, the fault is ours if we fall in love is not reciprocated or the wrong person? "
" Yeah. It 's what I mean "
" Let me get ... then she would tell me that some years ago, while jogging in the park and I was doing nicely on my own thinking about the spider new model that I was going to buy my future wife, seeing me, he expressed the desire to mate with me and you, dutiful, he hit one of his arrows making me surrender? "
" I guess it went exactly like that "
"The fact that I was gay she was not in any way an obstacle, right?"
"Gay? Ma .. I do not ... "
" And the fact that now, when my wife is away for work, I wear his clothes, not even that the matter, right? "
... I could not imagine ... "
" And the fact that it must meet my lover in secret, to invent business trips, overtime, medical meetings and spend a lot of money into third-rate motels and hotels to avoid giving rise to rumors, has never touched the conscience, right? "
... Well, here, I ... "
" And the fact that I had to distort my sexuality and live all these years I feel inadequate to fill the role that she forced me to support, not to the point makes you feel guilty? "
" But I did not know ... I just did my job ... "
" His work ruined my life! "
" Do not say that ... at the bottom of his wife he loves her! "
" And I love a plumber! "
... I take those with the large frame. How much? "

Monday, September 22, 2008

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Interview Higgs boson

Question: To level playing field I think it right to interview too ...

Higgs: I would also like to see well. Since when do we take it for granted that one does not exist just because no one has ever seen? For example, you ever seen God?

Question: Well, of course ... I spoke a moment ago

Higgs: I mean, he never saw his face, touched, button, or shake it is based on hearsay?

Question: Well, actually, I must sadly confess that I am one of those who trust the word of mouth

Bosone: Bravo! Però siccome di lui ne parlano in tanti si dà per scontato che esista, mentre visto che di me ne parla un unico imbecille, si mette in dubbio la veridicità delle sue parole. Un po' come gli UFO: comincia uno a dire che l'ha visto, casualmente altri mille li hanno visti. E prima? Perché non hanno parlato prima?

Domanda: Guardi, non è mancanza di fiducia, eh? Solo che davvero non sappiamo che faccia abbia.

Bosone: E che faccia dovrei avere? Come quella di un normalissimo Bosone.

Domanda: Ha detto bosone, vero?

Bosone: Sì, perché?

Question: Nothing, nothing ... I thought I had misheard. But, excuse me if I insist, it seems to me that before anyone ever spoke of Higgs bosons, so she should be unique. Or not?

Higgs: Eccerto, right, one and three. But according to you, it is possible that a single boson has given birth to the universe?

Question: Excuse me, but the universe did not invent God?

Higgs: Who?

Question: God is not without reason, scientists are looking for you looking for the "God Particle"

Higgs: Look, let's face it, I do not know who he is this God of whom Lei Who is it? A scientist? A physicist? A researcher?

Question: He likes to call himself an artist. He says he created the universe through a sneeze and the Pongo.

Higgs: But never mind! Do you know how many protons, electrons, neutrons, neutrinos, leptons, quarks, hadrons, baryons fermions, pentaquark, hyperons and so it took to create the universe and life?

Question: Not a Higgs?

Higgs: Well, clearly yes: me.

Question: At this point it is natural to ask, but she has that role in all this?

Higgs: I can speak honestly? I'm really not to blame. Let me explain: I was in a pub just outside the universe, this universe, I mean ... that is not created yet. I was sipping a Lewptiok Beltane in the company of a swing that does not tell her, showing off all my sex appeal and enumerate all the adventures that happened last safari extra-galactic eons before I turned two, including the creation of a spiral galaxy , when suddenly I felt a tap on the shoulder to do with unfriendly. I turn my gaze crosses that of a belt xetoril Rufuliano east of Vonanzia a pianetoide absurd that rotates on itself at a breakneck speed, but that revolves around its sun at a speed of a lumaca Bretaliana, ovvero praticamente fermo. Pensi che una rivoluzione totale del pianeta intorno al suo sole equivale a qualcosa come novemilionisettecentonovantasettemilatrecentocinqu- antottovirgolanoveperiodico anni luce al secondo. Insomma, una roba da invecchiare al solo pensiero. Comunque, dopo aver capito chi mi trovavo davanti ho gentilmente allontanato la bellezza al mio fianco dicendole “Scusa, cara, ho un affaruccio da sbrigare, torno fra due parsec”, dopodiché ho alzato lo sguardo: le zanne del Rufuliano stavano colando saliva sulle mie palpebre, le prime, non le terze, qui, vede? Il suo ruggito è riuscito a spettinare le mie sopracciglia, che noi bosoni portiamo lunghe per sfruttarle come riporto sulla fronte durante i gelidi Wuxxol winters. It 's the fashion, what can I do, and there is so cold ... As I casually rearranged her eyebrows, the monster vomits on my words in a jargon I do not know. Snap your fingers towards the bartender, who understands my desire to fly and takes me another Lewptiok beltaliano. With studied slowness me to his lips, then, with shooting feline him back on his pants: If there's one thing that Rufuliani not stand, you have wet my pants. While the incident reflected the beast (in a brute of this kind, before the message reaches the brain spend at least two to three minutes), I appropinquo to the door but not so fast as I hoped, because the crack of a whip is mesana squashed directly to my left ear, the first of five, now here is where the hole, clean off. At that point it is obvious that I can not escape, I have to behave like a boson and fight. I turn with feline sprint and jump towards the beast, without realizing that the doll that I was working on was actually a mutant gattelliana that turns into a fast-setting concrete wall at the very moment when my amphibians are tracked to hit the mouth of Rufuliano. In a moment I find myself trapped, with no possibility of escape, when, incredibly, I hear the unmistakable hiss of a rotating football hitting the wall first, then the Rufuliano and then also il barista, lasciando miracolosamente intatto il Lewptiok beltaliano. Ero salvo. Chuck Norris mi aveva appena salvato la vita.

Domanda: Ma perché, Chuck Norris esisteva già, all'epoca?

Bosone: La verità? L'universo l'ha creato lui...

Alicia Fox Victoria Crawford

Interview with God

Domanda: Come Lei ben saprà, non si parla altro che di questo, nel mondo: al CERN di Ginevra gli scienziati hanno avviato l'acceleratore di particelle grazie al quale, tramite un esperimento scientifico, prevedono di riuscire a trovare finalmente il leggendario Bosone di Higgs, chiamato anche “Particella di Dio”. Cosa ne pensa, Lei, a questo proposito?

God First of all I would ask you kindly give me. They are eons that consideration be given to modernize a bit 'on this big man, bearded man with delusions of leadership. With the advent of the Internet and all these dating sites, it's time to get out of anonymity and show what they really are. Is not it?

Question: course, but ... I am very pleased. Bellal, brother, how's up? How about this ... this Higgs?

God I can speak honestly? I do not know who he is, I have not this what you're talking about. At the time of creation of the universe I knew nothing about quantum physics. Credo di essere riuscito a malapena a prendere il diploma di terza media. Non ero uno studente modello e la matematica non faceva per me. Mi divertivano molto le belle arti, però: pittura, scultura… un bel giorno mi è capitata per le mani un po' di questa sostanza simile al pongo, o al Das, non ricordo bene, e ricordo i essermi divertito un po' a mischiare un tot di colori. Poi credo di aver starnutito ed è successo il finimondo.

Domanda: Beh, più che finimondo, quello starnuto è stato l'inizio di tutto.

Dio: L'inizio dell'inferno, credimi. Innanzitutto non sono riuscito a trovare un fazzoletto per pulirmi il naso e ho dovuto usare la manica della tunica, then came the teacher, in a gallop, crying left and right because I had soiled the classroom with plasticine. He put a note on the diary and told to return the next day accompanied by their parents and when I tried to tell her that I had parents gave me a liar and threw me out.

Question: must have been tough growing up without parents, without a guide. How was your teenage years?

God not really think I've ever been a time in my life that one can define adolescence. Do you see me? I've always been so, I was born an old man, white beard and worn appearance, including (among other things, I discovered that the gray-haired man catch a lot, especially among the models or Divette entertainment). But I had an advantage: I could go out and stay out as I liked without having to answer to anyone and, above all, I could use the car whenever I wanted.

Question: But back to the Higgs Boson, what about the fact that scientists are convinced that this particle is the spark that gave birth to the universe?

God First, they had asked me if I would have explained how I did the universe without going to the trouble that Mr. Higgs who among other things not even know.

Question: How can ? Yet the man you have invented.

God This is true, but I can not remember their faces or names of those who invent, no? Among other things, they are not very happy with the result. Let's face it, the man I used to create waste, a bit 'of clay and on. Not having access to the school lab, I had to take what I happened to shoot. Of course, if I had the Pongo ... but we are not here to complain, right? And then the woman came to me so well ... I knew immediately, however, that someone says that I would spit on him. I should point out that's not true but if I were given the opportunity at this time, someone to whom I would have spit ...

Domanda: Per esempio?

Dio: Higgs

Domanda: Higgs? Come mai?

Dio: Perché così impara ad andare in giro a millantare cose di cui non sa nulla. Come si è permesso di chiamare un insulsissimo bosone, che fra l'altro nessuno ha ancora mai visto, “particella di Dio”? Dove siamo, nell'acqua Lete? Che poi, caro il mio sapientone, il Lete lo sanno tutti che è il fiume su cui Caronte traghettava i morti. Tu la berresti un'acqua di nome Lete?

Domanda: Adesso che mi ci fa pensare no. Però Higgs ha studiato. Si è laureato.

God graduate does not necessarily know all the knowable. Sborone wanted to do it, let's face it: he filled his mouth with big words, however, in my opinion invented by him, and all say "but what a good" over here "but good" over there. But the evidence? Where is the evidence?

Question: 'well why it was created particle accelerator: to prove the existence of this element.

God Look here ', sorry ... someone comes along, put his name is Rossi, no? That tells you they have found a particle that any calls that I know? Landrulone. It is up to you and says: I found the Landrulone Rossi. What are you doing? Believe him the word?

Question: No

God Exactly! Higgs says that if I found out 'I'm boson must take the tests!

Question: Indeed, Higgs said he had found a hypothetical elementary particle, not to have found it for real.

God aaaaaaaah-Oh! See I'm right? It 's a braggart. I also am good to say "I found the hypothetical particle Spurefix. Only that if I say is true, because I, as God, I can actually create it. I'm just a bit 'of clay and that's it!

Question: But there appear to be evidence of its existence.

God And what? Am I wrong or has not yet been observed?

Question: And 'what should happen during the experiment will take place in Geneva, the Large Hadron Collider.

God Again, I do not understand ... we are in Geneva and called an accelerator with an English name? If we were in China as they called him? In turkish?

Question: These are subtleties. However you call it, with the experiment may seem to be able to determine its true extent.

God bells. They will not succeed. Will never allow a tiny particle supplant my authority as creator of the universe and the manipulation of matter. Figure that there would, after all these millennia? Imagine the headlines? "God is a liar, the universe has not invented it but Higgs"

Question: If anything, the Higgs

God Well, anyone even remotely try to take on the authorship of the creation of the universe will have to deal with me. I'm ready to freak out: as I have created I will destroy. Incidentally, I note that there are decades and more that I did not see atrocities.

Question: For example ?

God What courage! For example, 'Friends' the Defilippi, Costantino Vitaliano, Gigi D'Alessio ... one will take the piss and all of you to drool like decerebration. One sends you controcoglioni with people like Jesus, Gandhi and Pope Luciani and you take them out as if you were a dartboard.

Question: Uh uh ... well, you see ... but sometimes, ignorance is human to do things we regret later ...

God Not only human ignorance. I am also quite a few 'sorry for having created.

Question: If for that matter, there was even someone who has questioned whether it was you who made us.

God I know. A Darwin, right?

Question: Yes According to him, the man is the derivative of a natural evolution that began from the world famous Big Bang, which gave rise to life and so on ...

God Fami understand: this is what you are trying to recreate the experiment at CERN in Geneva, thanks to the famous particle accelerator should be able to help you find the famous Higgs boson, also called "God Particle"?

Question: Exactly

God Well, if evolution but have not created me, why look for my parcel?

Question: ... I do not know.

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“Buongiorno, posso disturbarla?”
”Per cosa?”
“Ecco, vede, io sono un testimone di Geova e…”
”Che cosa ha combinato?”
“Ma... niente, perché?”
“Ha appena detto che è suo testimone”
”Infatti è così”
“Beh, allora che ha fatto? Ha tamponato qualcuno e se l’è data a gambe?”
“Ma no! Geova non sa nemmeno guidare, quindi...”
“Guida senza patente? Beh, non credo che lei possa fare molto per lui”
“No, ecco… Geova è il mio pastore, la mia guida spirituale”
“Oh, allora vede che guida, ‘sto Geova?”
“Sì, no, sì…intendo dire che è la guida del mio spirito”
“Vuol dire che guida ubriaco?”
“Mamma mia, che fatica oggi… senta, scusi, ricominciamo da capo. Noi testimoni abbiamo una chiesa e…”
”Ho capito. Ha rubato le offerte. Eh, coi tempi che corrono non è una novità. Con l’avvento dell’euro non si riesce più ad arrivare a fine mese, specie gli anziani, con le pensioni miserrime che si ritrovano. Se l’ha fatto per mangiare un po’ lo capisco, sa? Anche io, sometimes, I must confess that I was tempted to pilfer. But then ... "
" No, look, did not steal anything. Does not need to steal him. Even eat! "
" And what do you live? On the air? "
" Well, let's say that yes, she lives on air and love "
" It's good! Even my cousin lives of love. Every night gives a little 'love to someone. Earn money pretty well, now that I think "
" Excuse me, but we are not talking of "that" kind of love "
" What kind of talk, do you? "
" Filial love, brotherly love, the ' selfless love, unconditional love ... "
" Mah It will not be a bit 'sophisticated, the Jehovah? Love is love, period "
" Well, anyway, I'm here to witness the love of Jehovah and his word "
" You have to see what they think the judge. One can also dispense love in all its forms and be as good as the bread - although that steal the deals in the church, then do not be so good - but not everyone trusts the word, we want the evidence "
" Of course, sure, I understand that they need some evidence, but we are talking about faith "
" Worse! Trust è bene, non fidarsi è meglio”
“Ma l’uomo ha bisogno di credere. O lei non crede a nulla?”
”Certo, credo in un sacco di cose. Credo che Maradona sia ancora il più grande calciatore di tutti i tempi, credo che il vino rosso col pesce sia una scelta un po’ azzardata e tra le tante altre cose credo che mia moglie abbia un amante”
“L’ha mai visto?”
“No, ma ho colto dei segnali inequivocabili”
”Beh, ultimamente quando esce di casa si veste sempre bene, in maniera ricercata. Va spesso dal parrucchiere e si profuma un po’ troppo”
“Beh, ma queste non sono prove irrefutable "
" Look, you asked me what to believe? And I told her. I certainly do not come to review what he believes her, no? "
" Well, but what I believe I was a religious faith "
" But who? Jehovah? "
" Yes "
" Have you ever seen? "
" No, but ... "
" So how can you be sure it exists? "
" I am not, but I have faith "
" Has the Jehovah's faith? "
" No, I have my "
" So is she married? "
" No, I made a vow of celibacy "
" Why? "
"Why so he wants to Jehovah"
"Excuse me if I would, eh? But before I did not not say that Jehovah's love lives? So why would you want that its witnesses - although I have not yet figured out what he did to this poor man so bad that not eating, not drinking and driving drunk only - remain celibate? "
" It is not an imposition, it is a choice of life. It 's like being married to him, "
" Ah, then she talks about the PACS. That stuff there that you can also marry gays. And live together? "
" No, look, you just misunderstood: I am not gay "
" It 's never been a woman? "
" No, but ... "
" So it's gay "
" But do me a favor! I told her I'm not gay, my gosh! "
" Then Jehovah because he wants to marry, please? "
" I do not want to marry him, I just said it was "like being married to him." It 's a metaphor
"Well, if you do not want to marry this mean that Jehovah is not to be a very kind for which ..."
"Instead it is a guy. What then ... not a man. God did this? Here, he more or less "
" More or less? What does it mean more or less? Or is he or is not he. If he is called God and nothing else. What a singer, you create a pseudonym or stage name? What do you do, go around with their shirts with his image printed on it and do the rave party? "
" No, none of this. We pray and just "
" It seems to me that she is praying, but rather disturbing a passerby who was doing his beautifully cabbage, which is telling a lot of nonsense about a man who calls himself a name other than his , which has nothing serious but it must be combined with rave parties, but it is also good, not eating, not drinking and driving but did not need someone to witnesses. Excuse me, is like if I go to Mass and when he passes the basket of offerings, after giving no less than 10 euros, I get up in the feet, shouting: Look, look, I put 10 euros, are the best, are as good, no thrombus by 2 ½ months but do They are not gay! "
" Look, "Jehovah" is just another name to define God
"I mean you want me to say that when God was born his parents went anagrafe universal and recorded with more names? Type: "Hello, I'm the father of God, the creator of the universe. Actually I should not be here, because God created me yet, but to avoid future misunderstandings I would like to register my child under the following names: God, Jehovah, Javea, Buddha, Mohammed, Krishna and Superpippo. He knows he likes peanuts ... "
" I do not know if it went well or not, but for us it is called Jehovah "
" So for me it is called Arturo and his witness. What do we do? "
" put that Arturo does not exist. There is no God who is called Arthur, on ... "
" Well, I have not even seen Jehovah, for that matter "
" And in fact I will never see! "
" So for those who are testifying, please? ?? "
" I do not know, ok? I do not know! They told me: Go on the streets, people stop and a affibbiagli di questi volantini del cazzo su questa torre con questa guardia che tutto vede e tutto provvede, ok? Parla del leone e dell’agnello e di quel tempo che verrà in cui entrambi vivranno felici l’uno accanto all’altro, che peraltro se guarda il programma della Colò già succede. Pensi, io nemmeno volevo farlo, il testimone. Mi sarebbe piaciuto laurearmi in fisica nucleare o in conservazione dei beni e invece no, ho avuto la sfiga di nascere testimone e dovrò morire testimone. Fra l’altro, nemmeno mi pagano, lo sa? Niente, manco un centesimo. Tutto quello che riesco a racimolare dalla pseudo-vendita di questi cazzo di volantini li devo versare in una cassa comune. Mi piacerebbe tanto vestire alla moda, cosa crede? Invece no, I gotta go around dressed like I just left a movie of the fifties, moreover, not in the midst of economic boom. I do sentence by itself, but what else can I do? Among the witnesses are not using us to keep pace with the times, we have one designer who is also the one who painted the cartoons on this fucking wheel, ok? They told me "you have to say this and that, you have to brainwash people," but did not tell me that I had the misfortune to meet people who might seek to do all of these issues. I use a couple of minutes, the time to say four shit, to drop a tower and rack up some change for coffee - which incidentally I could not even bere, ma tanto ormai sono già nervoso, quindi... Inoltre, oggi è il primo giorno in cui esco da solo e sono già esaurito per colpa sua. Tutte queste domande, tutti questi dubbi… Non poteva prendere sto cazzo di volantino e andarsene?”
“Lei ha detto 4 volte cazzo”
“Giuro.Li ho contati”
“Oddio. Anzi, Oggeova… noi non diciamo parolacce. Adesso dovranno espellermi dalla congregazione”
“Ottimo. Io gestisco una jeanseria che…”

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“Benvenuti a questa nuova puntata di “La tecnologia ci prende per il culo?” Oggi abbiamo in studio l’inventore del Turing test, that Mr. Turing. Mr Turing, as it has occurred to create a test to see if a machine is able to think independently and to replace man? "

" Thank you for your question. You see, it can happen, ultimately, that mission is completed recordings by automated software, which could, for example, registering thousands of new daily e-mail addresses that they then use to send what we call mail "spam." My test assumes that the distorted images that we have to copy when, for example, we have to register on a site, prevent, in fact, a recognition automatically by a software "

"Mr. Turing, she speaks of distorted images: we can explain precisely how this test?"

"Thank you for your question. For the uninitiated, my aim is to test whether a car is capable of thinking. To do this I created the CAPTCHA images, whose acronym means: How? Damn! Peddavero? Hold me! What? You what? Anvedi! Just that because in Italian did not have the same force as in English, I decided to translate it into: Completely Automated Public Turing test to tell Computers and Humans Apart, because this is a tactic to mislead the machine and make him believe a thing rather than a ' other. They are, in fact, distorted images spoken of her "

" thinking machine! I think the thought that machines can think is somewhat disturbing ... You think, when you happen to think that the machines were thinking for themselves? "

" Thank you for your question. The first inkling that the machines themselves were thinking I was the one time the toaster when I added a slice of white bread gave me back a slice of wheat bread, butter and jam with my favorite flavor, berries and cinnamon taste, however, impossible to find "

" A great episode! I mean, who would not like to have machines that can solve problems by itself routine? "

" Thank you for your question. It 's true, like everyone, but I have not finished saying what happened. The toaster, after having returned the slices of bread, he burned with a laser beam that split in two granite-topped table with 8 cm and often ran away, then, the door swinging my cat used to go out garden. I consider myself lucky not to have consequences "

" Heck, the issue becomes serious. But here, then, is not about machines like computers, but machines that everyone, more or less, we have at home or in usufruiamo every day, right? "

"Thank you for your question. In fact, another sign that things were taking a different turn had the one time I went to pick up. I typed everything correctly, but the machine pays me 50 notes of petrodollars on the background of which stands a close-up of Donald Duck with the middle finger raised, and I requested a receipt when I distinctly heard coming from the ATM a sarcastic laugh. I read the writing on the slip: you are a beggar "

" Well, but these, however, if you will, are isolated incidents. Do not you think we want more concrete evidence to say with certainty that the machines are taking over? "" Thank you for your question. Actually I too at first I thought it was sporadic and random, but ... evidence that the machines themselves were quite right, I had that time when my eighteen year old daughter and new drivers parked a Mercedes station wagons in the space where he could be there, yes and no Smart, without causing the slightest scratch the car "

"She is painting a chilling scene! While it is plausible to think of a cash machine that emits petrodollars instead of €, it is absolutely impossible to think that a novice will be able to do what he did his daughter ... "

" Thank you for your question. A. .. "

" Look che non era una domanda...”

“A no?”

“La ringrazio per la domanda. Per terminare quest’intervista, le chiedo un’ultima cosa: secondo Lei, questo CAPTCHA può essere la tecnologia che tutti stavamo aspettando, ovvero il meccanismo che ci aiuta a capire quando sono le macchine ad intervenire al posto dell’essere umano?”

“La ringrazio per la domanda. Se il mio PC mi restituisse il CD in cui ho registrato tutti i miei dati, oltreché il criceto, il cane bassotto e la mia collezione di bottiglie mignon di liquori asiatici, credo proprio di sì...”