Dear friends, I had lost, but I've yet to read a magazine in 2008. This is an interview I had done the Courier News of Fermo. I would like to republish it because never in these days is more current. Good reading.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
From Courier News, interview with Gianni Conte on governance of the territory Marche
What is your opinion on how to work in the PRG?
"Our perception, regarding the zoning, is that we are experiencing a real deregulation in the sense that the regional planning law, the No 34 of 1992 but as all other regional standards (PPAR), in fact - through the principle of subsidiarity - the municipalities have given the government of the territory and autonomy. Which in principle would be a good thing, but unfortunately were not made to cope with a situation that on this basis has been created. Mind you, this is an absolutely democratic principle: most of the City who may be closer to the real needs of its citizens and its territory? But today the same municipalities are left with huge cuts from the state and must raise cash. And to do that until now have used the planning tool: this allows him to have the availability of documents of urbanization. The law provides that it may use up to 75% for current expenditure. This means addressing the costs for school buses, for nursery, for other needs, without investing in city and hence the quality of life of people in the urban context. You must also add one situation to the national character that we begin to suffer, and much, we in the Marches: a sort of aggression on the part of speculators, investors, companies more or less serious. And then you are in the midst of a hunt for sites where you can build, from the shed at the mall, to residential expansions that have neither head nor tail. In fact, the PRG gets a little 'a rubber band, then why is may be waived with variations or with planning agreements, two very effective tools to get upset at what was the planning ahead, when written in the PRG. Initially this is done in a certain way, which must conform to the Provincial Territorial Coordination Plan. The PTC has a strategic vision of all the plans and also provides addresses with inter-regional thinking or, in other words, on large areas. And according to the PTC must be a necessary condition. But, as mentioned, small variations or program agreements can bypass those who are long-range strategies of PTC. A bad PRG or a series of uncoordinated variations not only affect the tissue urbano o il consumo di suolo, ma anche la qualità della vita delle persone. Va da sè che se si crea un nuovo quartiere che non ha le strade idonee, così come anche le fogne o i marciapiedi, e cosi via, si va a determinare nel tempo un carico urbanistico insostenibile che ricade nelle tasche dei cittadini. Questa è la cosa più difficile da far comprendere alle persone. La nostra cultura, per molti ancora legata al mito del terreno edificabile del periodo della ricostruzione o della speculazione edilizia degli anni ’60 e ’70, ci mette nella condizione di vedere come l'espansione edilizia, l'edificazione o comunque ciò che è riferibile a questo comparto, sia un’attività economica trainante che porta benessere or GDP. Instead, an analysis done by good economists, says that this view is exactly the opposite direction to sustainable development and the real solution to the present economic condition..
Then there is the issue of the Regional Environmental Landscape Plan.
"34 The law has delegated to the municipalities not only for land management, but also that which is the protection of the landscape through its PPAR Landscape Plan The Regional Environmental constraints had provisional and then the municipalities, by adjusting the PRG PPAR have established such could be to accept and which not, in fact distorting the Plan. It 'a law falling a bit' from the top basically saying these are the constraints interim protection, now you adapt your town master plan, determining which constraints actually want to keep and which to delete. Many municipalities have had to draw the PRG in accordance with PPAR, but went to overturn. Few virtuosos are able to do their directions, creating of sites of environmental / landscape and more. Many other municipalities have made havoc. It is no coincidence that many citizens are opposed to these destructions, constituting various committees that are now in many places in our region, as it is no coincidence that there was an increase in complaints and appeals, including actions of the Superintendent.
There is another aspect: the small Comuni, la prevalenza della regione, sono realtà sotto i 3.000 abitanti. Di fatto hanno spesso un ufficio tecnico composto da un solo tecnico spesso oberato da mille cose da fare e che non ha sensibilità, attenzione, aggiornamenti e competenze in campo per poter trattare una materia così complessa come quella dell'urbanistica. Così anche la competenza squisitamente tecnica e culturale necessaria per un governo lungimirante dell’urbanistica comunale viene di fatto delegata a consiglieri e assessori che, spesso privi di tale competenza tecnica, fanno il tira e molla in funzione prevalentemente di quelle che sono le situazioni elettorali."
L'onda della crisi economica sta alimentando un'autentica dismissione di capannoni e stabilimenti nel nostro territorio. Al contempo, si continuano ad "elargire" a privati nuove aree attraverso modifiche ad hoc del PRG. Infine, ogni Comune pretende la sua piccola area industriale. Insomma, troppe situazioni contraddittorie che continuano a sommarsi.
"E' proprio così: è una grande contraddizione. Faccio un esempio: alla Girola un industriale ha chiesto la trasformazione di 5 ettari di terreno agricolo per realizzare poi un'area di produzione. Parliamo di un'industria congrua, compatibile a quella che è l'attività principale del territorio: il calzaturiero. Sta di fatto che questo nuovo insediamento andrà a trasformare suolo agricolo irriguo in capannoni e parcheggi, quando poi nella stessa zona, poco distante esiste already un''area Pip. With warehouses empty ... This happened because in the planning took place upstream of the PRG, there was a lack of strategic assessment and long-range planning. On 5 acres is a possibility to build huge volumes, over 25,000 cubic meters. Maybe next we can be 2 or 3 buildings, in fact, rented or sold because unused, that together they can achieve the same volume. But the location of these facilities can not meet the needs of the entrepreneur. So what happened? That the entrepreneur has gone to seek a variation to the PRG, now exposed to the public for comments praetorian enrollment, but has already superato lo screening della valutazione ambientale strategica. Questo fa capire come andiamo a modificare in maniera repentina e irreversibile il territorio. Naturalmente faccio valutazioni a carattere generale, non entro nello specifico di chi lo fa o di chi non lo fa. Va detto che è tutto conforme alle norme, perché non abbiamo nelle nostre leggi del governo del territorio dei principi fondanti che salvaguardino queste situazioni. Se li avessimo, ed è quello che stiamo cercando di fare insieme a tutte le associazioni che hanno aderito al coordinamento regionale, allora forse avremmo risolto la metà di questi problemi che penalizzeranno il futuro del nostro territorio e le risorse disponibili."
Restiamo sulle associazioni ambientaliste. La vostra presenza e l'influenza è molto cresciuta in ambito regionale.
"E' cresciuta una certa attenzione, un certo ascolto, soprattutto perché abbiamo potuto toccare con mano il lavoro della Provincia di Ascoli Piceno, che sotto questo aspetto sta facendo da caposcuola. Hanno fatto un PTC molto ben studiato, progettato e congruo con quelle che sono le nostre peculiarità. Hanno individuato gli esempi virtuosi, che purtroppo tanti cercano di aggirare o stravolgere, ma che nascono con intenti positivi che noi auspichiamo, tanto è vero che tutta la regione sta guardando con favore a questo tipo di PTC perché è quello più percorribile, più sostenibile, pur avendo ovviamente qualche miglioramento che si potrebbe apportare. The other provinces are inspiring to this plan: I speak of planners, architects, trade associations who care about consistency with what is within the resources. Why go wrong planning means not respect our basic resources: energy, quality of life, economy, heritage and landscape. And they are resources that we can not play. A focus of our attention to the PTC is also reflected by several other provinces of the Italian regions. Inside are the specifications of the Plan area, such as Plan Director Valdaso, ranging address to give very accurate in areas with a vocation. It is not going to distort, rather it will enhance and strengthen the economies because they can really determine driving and going to improve and consolidate what has already been done. The Master Plan Valdaso is already in itself a great plan and includes a well-defined geographical area, with in 27 municipalities.
The challenge for the authorities who have joined is to be able to interact with each other, put aside parochialism and reasoning over a large area that unites them and puts them in a position to develop the trade area, the double , the doc, even the craft brands. And the integrity of the landscape and provide their own culture, as an image, add value to the territory and all that comes from it. Delete the parochialism would avoid the problem of individual production areas, cosa che sta accadendo proprio nella Valdaso, dove ognuno sta facendo la sua parte in negativo. Manca soltanto una superstrada sopraelevata per fare la replica della Valle del Tronto! Abbiamo degli esempi davanti e non è difficoltoso pensare che questo comunque non ci porta niente di buono, non ci da quel valore aggiunto. Nell'immediato qualcuno può vedersi trasformare il proprio terreno in edificabile, ma alla lunga cosa cambierebbe rispetto ad aree compromesse, come la Valle del Tronto o la Valtesino?Non sembra che la loro economia sia più solida di altre!
Siamo nella condizione di poter usare la testa e dire 'fermi tutti, forse non è questo lo sviluppo vero’ o quello che possa scongiurare l'abbandono dei nostri paesi a beneficio of an increasingly congested coast: "We try to do
other examples. What are the most worrying situation in the stop?
" To stay in the city of Fermo area, we determined by an urban development zone B, which then they are all variants on the PRG. This mode of development goes against every principle of good urban planning since the areas B really should not hardly exist. They had to be the completion of situations already very urbanized, characterized by good infrastructure, sewers, schools, etc. In that case we went to do a sort of rehabilitation the structure built, where was the opportunity to complete, identifying compatible areas. Today is instead become a tool PLANNING. And as an entire city can be found Without articulated in a myriad of areas B, which are building up huge areas that have nothing to urbanized. Start already, even before they are made, such as suburbs of unlivable. And it is a problem that is tangible: to stay with this process could lead to hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of building. Other examples? Just go in small towns. Take Lapedona, we are faced with a planning incongruity. In 2003-2004 a PRG that has been done so far failed to fulfill 70% of forecast that PRG was not likely because the planning meet the real needs, and after a short time is presented as a variation to go to increase substantially in a manner not justified those who are new housing estates. Let's talk about settlements of hundreds of people, a country of 1,000 people ... and especially a variant devoid of any attention as to the peculiarities of the territory, which was going to affect areas of landscape importance, ridges, slopes, fertile agricultural areas. Today's tools, as well as the law is interpreted, however, would put the government in a position to do many small variations to arrive at that goal. In the case of Lapedona to justify the choice of the variant was 9 was proposed to create tourist accommodation areas, namely nine villages for about 70,000 cubic meters. Let's think about what kind of tourism could be created in the hills of Lapedona. It would not be enough for even the aqueduct to supply enough tourists, not to mention roads, sewers, energy absorption, etc..
's view that these examples of common and shared planning bordering on science fiction, not surprisingly to regulate these events occurred several times the provincial PTC. "
" I wish I could provide some hints on planning that will take place in the new province Fermo.
Soon we will have a Provincial Planning Office which must draw up their own PTC which will regulate, regulate and harmonize the interventions of the urban municipalities of the new province. We hope that this tool will take what has been done in the province of Ascoli Piceno, through a shared plan of study that has been able to accommodate requests and comments, but that has remained consistent with a vision of the area as a common good.
Urban planning in fact can not be determined by the interests of a few instances or those who wish to invest, build or speculate, but it must be through a conscious and democratic participation of citizens. The government in their work of good policy forecasting and planning should not be subject to pressure, the delicate politics of land use planning must be free from all those constraints dictated most often by those who have immediate or short-lived economic interests. E 'need long-term perspective, the ability of a broad vision, fairness and consistency with which those resources are available and the real needs.
The land, landscape, agriculture, resources are finite!
The landscape of the Marches, which passes through this great good perception of our quality of life, environment, culture, traditions, the future of which we can say we still have the chance to disporre, deve essere quindi salvaguardato e dove necessario qualificato o valorizzato con idonei interventi che pongono al centro l’equità sociale ed il benessere delle persone. Ma bisogna avere il coraggio anche di esprimere una rigorosa tutela, con orgoglio ed intelligenza, perché patrimonio di tutti, perché l’abbiamo ereditato dai padri, ma soprattutto perché lo abbiamo ricevuto in prestito dalle generazioni che verranno”.
Gianni Conte
Presidente del Circolo Legambiente Fermo – Valdaso
Membro del “Coordinamento Salviamo il Paesaggio delle Marche”, componente del tavolo tecnico.
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
From Courier News, interview with Gianni Conte on governance of the territory Marche
What is your opinion on how to work in the PRG?
"Our perception, regarding the zoning, is that we are experiencing a real deregulation in the sense that the regional planning law, the No 34 of 1992 but as all other regional standards (PPAR), in fact - through the principle of subsidiarity - the municipalities have given the government of the territory and autonomy. Which in principle would be a good thing, but unfortunately were not made to cope with a situation that on this basis has been created. Mind you, this is an absolutely democratic principle: most of the City who may be closer to the real needs of its citizens and its territory? But today the same municipalities are left with huge cuts from the state and must raise cash. And to do that until now have used the planning tool: this allows him to have the availability of documents of urbanization. The law provides that it may use up to 75% for current expenditure. This means addressing the costs for school buses, for nursery, for other needs, without investing in city and hence the quality of life of people in the urban context. You must also add one situation to the national character that we begin to suffer, and much, we in the Marches: a sort of aggression on the part of speculators, investors, companies more or less serious. And then you are in the midst of a hunt for sites where you can build, from the shed at the mall, to residential expansions that have neither head nor tail. In fact, the PRG gets a little 'a rubber band, then why is may be waived with variations or with planning agreements, two very effective tools to get upset at what was the planning ahead, when written in the PRG. Initially this is done in a certain way, which must conform to the Provincial Territorial Coordination Plan. The PTC has a strategic vision of all the plans and also provides addresses with inter-regional thinking or, in other words, on large areas. And according to the PTC must be a necessary condition. But, as mentioned, small variations or program agreements can bypass those who are long-range strategies of PTC. A bad PRG or a series of uncoordinated variations not only affect the tissue urbano o il consumo di suolo, ma anche la qualità della vita delle persone. Va da sè che se si crea un nuovo quartiere che non ha le strade idonee, così come anche le fogne o i marciapiedi, e cosi via, si va a determinare nel tempo un carico urbanistico insostenibile che ricade nelle tasche dei cittadini. Questa è la cosa più difficile da far comprendere alle persone. La nostra cultura, per molti ancora legata al mito del terreno edificabile del periodo della ricostruzione o della speculazione edilizia degli anni ’60 e ’70, ci mette nella condizione di vedere come l'espansione edilizia, l'edificazione o comunque ciò che è riferibile a questo comparto, sia un’attività economica trainante che porta benessere or GDP. Instead, an analysis done by good economists, says that this view is exactly the opposite direction to sustainable development and the real solution to the present economic condition..
Then there is the issue of the Regional Environmental Landscape Plan.
"34 The law has delegated to the municipalities not only for land management, but also that which is the protection of the landscape through its PPAR Landscape Plan The Regional Environmental constraints had provisional and then the municipalities, by adjusting the PRG PPAR have established such could be to accept and which not, in fact distorting the Plan. It 'a law falling a bit' from the top basically saying these are the constraints interim protection, now you adapt your town master plan, determining which constraints actually want to keep and which to delete. Many municipalities have had to draw the PRG in accordance with PPAR, but went to overturn. Few virtuosos are able to do their directions, creating of sites of environmental / landscape and more. Many other municipalities have made havoc. It is no coincidence that many citizens are opposed to these destructions, constituting various committees that are now in many places in our region, as it is no coincidence that there was an increase in complaints and appeals, including actions of the Superintendent.
There is another aspect: the small Comuni, la prevalenza della regione, sono realtà sotto i 3.000 abitanti. Di fatto hanno spesso un ufficio tecnico composto da un solo tecnico spesso oberato da mille cose da fare e che non ha sensibilità, attenzione, aggiornamenti e competenze in campo per poter trattare una materia così complessa come quella dell'urbanistica. Così anche la competenza squisitamente tecnica e culturale necessaria per un governo lungimirante dell’urbanistica comunale viene di fatto delegata a consiglieri e assessori che, spesso privi di tale competenza tecnica, fanno il tira e molla in funzione prevalentemente di quelle che sono le situazioni elettorali."
L'onda della crisi economica sta alimentando un'autentica dismissione di capannoni e stabilimenti nel nostro territorio. Al contempo, si continuano ad "elargire" a privati nuove aree attraverso modifiche ad hoc del PRG. Infine, ogni Comune pretende la sua piccola area industriale. Insomma, troppe situazioni contraddittorie che continuano a sommarsi.
"E' proprio così: è una grande contraddizione. Faccio un esempio: alla Girola un industriale ha chiesto la trasformazione di 5 ettari di terreno agricolo per realizzare poi un'area di produzione. Parliamo di un'industria congrua, compatibile a quella che è l'attività principale del territorio: il calzaturiero. Sta di fatto che questo nuovo insediamento andrà a trasformare suolo agricolo irriguo in capannoni e parcheggi, quando poi nella stessa zona, poco distante esiste already un''area Pip. With warehouses empty ... This happened because in the planning took place upstream of the PRG, there was a lack of strategic assessment and long-range planning. On 5 acres is a possibility to build huge volumes, over 25,000 cubic meters. Maybe next we can be 2 or 3 buildings, in fact, rented or sold because unused, that together they can achieve the same volume. But the location of these facilities can not meet the needs of the entrepreneur. So what happened? That the entrepreneur has gone to seek a variation to the PRG, now exposed to the public for comments praetorian enrollment, but has already superato lo screening della valutazione ambientale strategica. Questo fa capire come andiamo a modificare in maniera repentina e irreversibile il territorio. Naturalmente faccio valutazioni a carattere generale, non entro nello specifico di chi lo fa o di chi non lo fa. Va detto che è tutto conforme alle norme, perché non abbiamo nelle nostre leggi del governo del territorio dei principi fondanti che salvaguardino queste situazioni. Se li avessimo, ed è quello che stiamo cercando di fare insieme a tutte le associazioni che hanno aderito al coordinamento regionale, allora forse avremmo risolto la metà di questi problemi che penalizzeranno il futuro del nostro territorio e le risorse disponibili."
Restiamo sulle associazioni ambientaliste. La vostra presenza e l'influenza è molto cresciuta in ambito regionale.
"E' cresciuta una certa attenzione, un certo ascolto, soprattutto perché abbiamo potuto toccare con mano il lavoro della Provincia di Ascoli Piceno, che sotto questo aspetto sta facendo da caposcuola. Hanno fatto un PTC molto ben studiato, progettato e congruo con quelle che sono le nostre peculiarità. Hanno individuato gli esempi virtuosi, che purtroppo tanti cercano di aggirare o stravolgere, ma che nascono con intenti positivi che noi auspichiamo, tanto è vero che tutta la regione sta guardando con favore a questo tipo di PTC perché è quello più percorribile, più sostenibile, pur avendo ovviamente qualche miglioramento che si potrebbe apportare. The other provinces are inspiring to this plan: I speak of planners, architects, trade associations who care about consistency with what is within the resources. Why go wrong planning means not respect our basic resources: energy, quality of life, economy, heritage and landscape. And they are resources that we can not play. A focus of our attention to the PTC is also reflected by several other provinces of the Italian regions. Inside are the specifications of the Plan area, such as Plan Director Valdaso, ranging address to give very accurate in areas with a vocation. It is not going to distort, rather it will enhance and strengthen the economies because they can really determine driving and going to improve and consolidate what has already been done. The Master Plan Valdaso is already in itself a great plan and includes a well-defined geographical area, with in 27 municipalities.
The challenge for the authorities who have joined is to be able to interact with each other, put aside parochialism and reasoning over a large area that unites them and puts them in a position to develop the trade area, the double , the doc, even the craft brands. And the integrity of the landscape and provide their own culture, as an image, add value to the territory and all that comes from it. Delete the parochialism would avoid the problem of individual production areas, cosa che sta accadendo proprio nella Valdaso, dove ognuno sta facendo la sua parte in negativo. Manca soltanto una superstrada sopraelevata per fare la replica della Valle del Tronto! Abbiamo degli esempi davanti e non è difficoltoso pensare che questo comunque non ci porta niente di buono, non ci da quel valore aggiunto. Nell'immediato qualcuno può vedersi trasformare il proprio terreno in edificabile, ma alla lunga cosa cambierebbe rispetto ad aree compromesse, come la Valle del Tronto o la Valtesino?Non sembra che la loro economia sia più solida di altre!
Siamo nella condizione di poter usare la testa e dire 'fermi tutti, forse non è questo lo sviluppo vero’ o quello che possa scongiurare l'abbandono dei nostri paesi a beneficio of an increasingly congested coast: "We try to do
other examples. What are the most worrying situation in the stop?
" To stay in the city of Fermo area, we determined by an urban development zone B, which then they are all variants on the PRG. This mode of development goes against every principle of good urban planning since the areas B really should not hardly exist. They had to be the completion of situations already very urbanized, characterized by good infrastructure, sewers, schools, etc. In that case we went to do a sort of rehabilitation the structure built, where was the opportunity to complete, identifying compatible areas. Today is instead become a tool PLANNING. And as an entire city can be found Without articulated in a myriad of areas B, which are building up huge areas that have nothing to urbanized. Start already, even before they are made, such as suburbs of unlivable. And it is a problem that is tangible: to stay with this process could lead to hundreds of thousands of cubic meters of building. Other examples? Just go in small towns. Take Lapedona, we are faced with a planning incongruity. In 2003-2004 a PRG that has been done so far failed to fulfill 70% of forecast that PRG was not likely because the planning meet the real needs, and after a short time is presented as a variation to go to increase substantially in a manner not justified those who are new housing estates. Let's talk about settlements of hundreds of people, a country of 1,000 people ... and especially a variant devoid of any attention as to the peculiarities of the territory, which was going to affect areas of landscape importance, ridges, slopes, fertile agricultural areas. Today's tools, as well as the law is interpreted, however, would put the government in a position to do many small variations to arrive at that goal. In the case of Lapedona to justify the choice of the variant was 9 was proposed to create tourist accommodation areas, namely nine villages for about 70,000 cubic meters. Let's think about what kind of tourism could be created in the hills of Lapedona. It would not be enough for even the aqueduct to supply enough tourists, not to mention roads, sewers, energy absorption, etc..
's view that these examples of common and shared planning bordering on science fiction, not surprisingly to regulate these events occurred several times the provincial PTC. "
" I wish I could provide some hints on planning that will take place in the new province Fermo.
Soon we will have a Provincial Planning Office which must draw up their own PTC which will regulate, regulate and harmonize the interventions of the urban municipalities of the new province. We hope that this tool will take what has been done in the province of Ascoli Piceno, through a shared plan of study that has been able to accommodate requests and comments, but that has remained consistent with a vision of the area as a common good.
Urban planning in fact can not be determined by the interests of a few instances or those who wish to invest, build or speculate, but it must be through a conscious and democratic participation of citizens. The government in their work of good policy forecasting and planning should not be subject to pressure, the delicate politics of land use planning must be free from all those constraints dictated most often by those who have immediate or short-lived economic interests. E 'need long-term perspective, the ability of a broad vision, fairness and consistency with which those resources are available and the real needs.
The land, landscape, agriculture, resources are finite!
The landscape of the Marches, which passes through this great good perception of our quality of life, environment, culture, traditions, the future of which we can say we still have the chance to disporre, deve essere quindi salvaguardato e dove necessario qualificato o valorizzato con idonei interventi che pongono al centro l’equità sociale ed il benessere delle persone. Ma bisogna avere il coraggio anche di esprimere una rigorosa tutela, con orgoglio ed intelligenza, perché patrimonio di tutti, perché l’abbiamo ereditato dai padri, ma soprattutto perché lo abbiamo ricevuto in prestito dalle generazioni che verranno”.
Gianni Conte
Presidente del Circolo Legambiente Fermo – Valdaso
Membro del “Coordinamento Salviamo il Paesaggio delle Marche”, componente del tavolo tecnico.
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