Monday, March 14, 2011

I'm Having Knee Pain On Inside Of My Knee

Meadows and Montesacro, now its your turn ... The ice burns

It seems that the city of Rome does not want to withdraw from his unfortunate system that has already reduced waste in open dumps some areas of Rome and, indeed, wants to extend "this year" even a million Romans.

From an article in Time newspaper that perhaps we devote very little attention, but instead informed on the subject, we learn of rumors on the next areas that will be affected by this type of differentiation: districts Meadows and Montesacro .

If the first is primarily an office district, the second is another popular in those areas with very high densities, much like the AMA to impose its diktat. There and apply the same method that has already given bad fruit in our neighborhoods will not only give the same results ...

be prepared, therefore, the inhabitants of the absurd Montesacro "shifts injection" and camionicini AMA parked in two rows, in turn, on the strips and cover the crossings, When not busy morning traffic to already congested roads in them.

and get used to the piles of bags of garbage at every corner (a direct result of disappearance of the boxes next to the undifferentiated) and increasingly precarious hygienic conditions, including droppings of dogs not collected because there is no where to throw and pigeons feasting happily awaiting the garbage that rats make an appearance.

Why is this, let this be known, that happens every day in the quarters of Fiscal Meadows, Appio Tuscolano Tuscolano Don Bosco, Laurentino 38, and Aurelio Marconi Irnerio differentiated by the arrival of this bankruptcy. And to prove it here below are some sample photos taken only in the last days Tuscolano Don Bosco, for you to understand yourself what awaits you if you let it ...

Above two points in a short distance away Statilio Optatus, even the photo with the tree just above is taken in the same way. While the one below was taken in San Giovanni Bosco boulevard in front of the elementary school ... Antonio De Curtis

The following is taken away Publius Valerius, right in front of the school ... Marcus Tullius Cicero

To close this little selection among the thousand horrors of the neighborhood, here is a classic, Licinio via stolons, where the bags are so many scattered to leave the box poised to reverse its contents in the street ...

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Paying For Community Service Hours

"Va pensiero" (G.Verdi)

... the breath-a sigh of people! longing, nostalgia and desire is that which destroys his infinite sweetness ..... expressed by a thousand voices become one.
A chorus cadence that the march towards the coveted goal ... distant and unattainable ...... ..... present and alive in sentiment, reached from the will of the people united in one heart.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Letters For Winning A Christmas Light Contest

now dry grass, burnt, dirt, potholes and litter everywhere. The only thorn left has just a couple of dried buds and do not seem to hold out much longer.

On quell'aiuola in Piazza San Giovanni Bosco from December until a couple of days ago there was placed an ice park, the skating rink in we have said in previous post.

imagined that the choice of put the structure on the pavement but not directly sull'aiuola would have consequences. And in fact we had been facile prophets of doom ...

Yet it is that it took a genius to predict that by placing a dripping ice shelf suspended two feet off the ground would have had that result.

It should have contained (at least at providing better accommodation), even those technicians of the municipality that gave the green light to quell'impianto and those same commissioners who granted their patronage to the track, almost like a cultural initiative and not a mere business .

Adesso serviranno lavoro e soldi per riportare quell'aiuola allo stesso livello dignitoso delle altre (come si può ben capire dal confronto di foto qui sopra). In attesa, il prossimo anno, di ricominciare daccapo...

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

How Pregnancy Tests Work Elisa

8 marzo: festa della donna

Eileen M. Collins (1956): at 19 took his pilot's license, after studying mathematics and economics in addition to the flying school, became the first instructor donnna enel 1995, the first woman pilot.

Gertrude Ederle (1906-2003): after having earned 29 amateur swimming records in the U.S., became famous in 1926 because it was the first woman to have crossed the English Channel in a record time of 14 hours and 39 minutes.

"La femme oiseau" Amelia Earhart (1897-1937: 5 years after Lindbergh flew the Atlantic alone in 14 hours and 56 minutes. Called "Lady Lindy , "became a legend in America, after his mysterious disappearance in the Pacific.

first woman graduate in biology from Massachusetts, he was vice president of the National Right to vote of American women.

Alice Guy (1873-1968, the woman "Lumière", Léon Gaumont's secretary. In 1896 he directed his first film "La Fée aux choux" and becomes the first woman director.

That there is a celebration of women, on the one hand we feel very pleased and, in many ways, "duty, on the other, a ben pensarci, addolora, poiché sottolinea il fatto che ancor oggi ci sia la necessità di ricordare a gran parte dell'umanità che il nascere di sesso femminile nulla toglie all'individualità. Ciascuno dei due sessi ha indubbie caratteristiche proprie, che però attengono al corpo fisico e all'anima dell'essere umano; l'Individualità umana, invece, prescinde dal sesso, con il quale è e deve essere connessa secondo un preciso piano, che corrisponde al proprio destino qui sulla terra. Nella storia dell'umanità sono esistite società in cui ha regnato il matriarcato, società le cui notizie a noi giunte si perdono talora nella leggenda, in cui si dice che le donne abbiano stabilito le sorti dell'intera comunità, for better or for worse. In terms of ethical and spiritual, there is no strong sex and one weak, one good and one evil, one who by nature is the architect of the rules of life and one that you should submit. This acccade historic events of the evolutionary path of humanity, when the original need to distribute between the individual number of the various activities needed for survival and reproduction of the human group ends with the usual forms crystallize unless renewed forms, which wisdom born of criteria and therefore related to the "quality" of each sex, then have become "empty forms" of a relevant and responsive to reality, instead filling up more and more, with the articulation of civil society, prejudices based on the most common opportunistic human passions: selfishness, jealousy, greed, ambition, fear, pride.
know the tragic history of the origins of this festival and we know that they date back to 1908, when 129 workers in New York burned by the flames. Many of these women were young and they also died of teenagers and men: those who found themselves prisoners, with no chance to escape the deadly fire, as the factory doors were closed. The fault was that he had struck a few days earlier to protest against the inhuman working conditions! It was Rosa Luxemburg to propose the date as that for the time already called Women's Day, she, a woman who had to pay with their lives not only its political ideologies but also that part of himself that he had made sincere and passionate assertrice of the rights and 'equality!
today that, for a long time and time again, is in the process of awareness that will, hopefully, lead every human being, man or woman, to take note that the differentiation of the sexes does not relate to 'Individuality and therefore in terms of rights and duties of morality and respect, we are all equal, we must often linger, not without admiration and delight, recalling stories of women specimens. This does not, however, underestimate the importance and value of lives spent in the shadows, but no less valuable and exemplary.
Thus, sliding, according to my habit, the online pages of Le Figaro, since I found a small file on some women who have distinguished themselves in various fields, placing itself as a major advocate of women's emancipation, I want to bring back some names with related photos, the same of the French newspaper.
But then I like someone else add to these examples, drawn from my own research in the field.
I recall, for example, the Bologna Laura Bassi, che, donna di eccezionale ingegno, dedita agli studi scientifici, dalla meccanica razionale alla dinamica dei fluidi e alla fisica elettrica della chimica dei gas, fu la prima professoressa di Fisica all’Università di Bologna. (post pubblicato lo 07/11/10 9) o, andando ancor un pò più indietro nel tempo e spostandoci dal campo della investigazione scientifica a quello della politica e dell'arte della guerra, Anne Zingha ( pubblicazione in Aconcagua di domenica 21 novembre 2010).
Sono solo due es empi tra quellli fino ad ora presi in considerazione nei miei bolg; sono un'infinetesima parte dei numerosi, e diversi per ciò che ciascuno esprime, examples from the past and the present complex world in which we are living longer than ever strong and intense struggle for the emancipation of women.
As is well known, the image of women has not been nor is it always the same: it varies with the quality of the "culture" of different social groups or individuals. A society that cultivates the image of women is not difficult to understand the limitations and distortions of the same or even, at times, sizes and degree of development achieved.
I have always lamented the gradual loss of importance in our society, the story, and its degradation in quality. In fact, not just some Tales of sagas, legends, myths ... have fallen into oblivion, but which I think is even more harmful, many of them have long been presented in a distorted way to the very young and / or devoid of essential meaning and depth that sets them apart however, preparing them, and I would even say indispensable and education.
many heroes, many stories, ideas and passions, magic and acrobatic adventures, love and betrayal, duels and injustices endured bitter ..... fantasy and history that the artistic genius blends a divine, drawing from the world of true universal values \u200b\u200bto be proposed to each new generation in training. Every story, with its heroes and the plot of his stories, has a popolo dietro di sè e le concezioni di vita che esso ha sperimentato, come anche le pulsioni più intense cui esso è pervenuto. Ogni storia ha i suoi eroi, ma anche le sue eroine, e i modelli da essa proposti alternano i due sessi, poichè entrambi sono aspetti dell'unità umana: le diversità rendono ancor più netta l'unità dello spirito umano. In alcune concezioni esoteriche le due anime, la maschile e la femminile, che non a torto nel nostro linguaggio corrente si dicono anime gemelle, sono le due fasi di esperienza che l'Io superiore deve attraversare per conoscere la propria identità, sono anime complementari appartenenti entrambe al medesimo Essere.

Can I Take Clonazepam With Sertraline

live to Parentopoli

Bella puntata di Presa Diretta, quella andata in onda domenica scorsa su Rai 3, dedicata alla parentopoli romana in AMA e in Atac.

Tutta la prima ora di trasmissione è stata dedicata all'Atac, e il quadro fatto è stato a dir poco sconfortante. Poi, per una ventina minuti, si è parlato dell'AMA e delle assunzioni per chiamata diretta di questo o quel parente, ma anche del concorso per drivers on the selection of which has long borne a lot of doubts.

addition to this output are also another couple of things very interesting. Such as the collection (boxes white and blue) so the system comes AMA Rocca di Cencia to be differentiated, but for a break quell'impianto, unrepaired for more than a year, is taken from there, loaded up private truck and taken to Malagrotta ending with the rest of the garbage. The result: wasted effort of the citizen to differentiate, re-use of that material and double zero cost to the double shift ...

Our differentiated unfortunate, however, was only marginally affected dalla trasmissione. Ma è stata comunque indicata con chiarezza come uno dei modi usati per imbarcare gente in AMA. E fra le immagini passate c'è stata anche una bella passeggiata fra quelle cataste di sacchetti in piazza dei Consoli che noi cittadini del Tuscolano conosciamo molto bene.

Per chi se la fosse persa, qui il link diretto all'intera puntata, mentre qui di seguito i due video su youtube della sola parte che riguarda l'AMA.

Beh, magari un po' di più di spazio dedicato all'AMA non avrebbe guastato, ma il nostro è evidentemente un giudizio di parte, vista la situazione nella quale versiamo. Diciamo che  almeno si è cominciato. E dal 27 marzo su Rai 3 arriva Report. Chissà che anche loro non abbiano in cantiere una puntata sull'argomento...

Monday, March 7, 2011

Lite And Fit Yogurt Coupons

The relatives Alemanno

Passeggia, passeggia... T'hanno detto di metterti la pettorina di agente accertatore AMA e di farti vedere un po' in giro, vero? E magari di fare anche un paio di multe ai malcapitati di turno, perché la gente deve avere terrore dell'AMA...!

Peccato che le tue due colleghe più anziane t'abbiano lasciata presto da sola e siano inguattarsi go to the panda service, where they stayed to chat for a while. What, you remained in the street a sense of duty, or because no hazing t'andava to hear those two blather endlessly locked in your car?

Sometimes you see around you, make sure you AMA. Almost all women, the expression of one who is annoyed thinking that the recommendation had asked for a place in the office behind a desk, not to stand in the street to make a beautiful ornament. In fact, just to see how you go dressed, excessive makeup, tight skirts, blouses read with a quilt thrown over tight to the cold but not unbearable, however, there. I even remember one of you who stood in the cold of December with heels and fishnet stockings this to understand how you feel out of place on the street, uncivilized among us ...

you make sure you are generally intolerant of those orange vests that would identify you, and you've just raised the. But never like your male counterparts, but that even the hiding under his shirt. A little 'because then they feel more Ganzi in doing the ambushes, a little' because obviously stuff is submitted, or females ...

It 'clear that you have ordered to be the street to threaten fines. V'hanno said that after € 26 million spent to put on this farce of differentiated and scandals parentopoli , direct calls and hundreds of recruitment pilot, the AMA can not simply admit that they have failed. And then do the hard face and ask you to do the same with those who pay your salaries usurped.

But quiet! If the courts were to conclude that your assumptions were patronage, you had a nice steady job because of family or close to this or that powerful, I doubt that will send you home (if only not to hurt a few dozen not reported tucked in among you to not make the trick too blatant).

We are in the country "who had had" , and so there the caverete. Even if not by us citizens, harassed by measures deliberately made to justify your existence, we are willing to "forget your past ..."

But at least, in the end, they have reached your walks in order to terrorize the uncivilized inhabitants of the area impossible to throw the garbage outside the hours set by you? From these photos taken just hours ago you would not think ...

We start by Marco Viale Fulvio Nobilior. In the photos above two points far away for that long avenue, but in the middle is the same garbage. Whereas below we have a whole living being Calpurnius Piso, along with quite a few 'bags of garbage ...

In via Enrico MAZZOCCOLA piles are used to much bigger, for now be content ...

Via Licinio Stolon never betrays the expectations, these two examples of what is in the street ...

situation not unlike that of many, you might say to all, the streets of the neighborhood as being the Holy Roman ...

E non si fa eccezione né in via Lucio Mummio, dove l'ultimo cassonetto verde è stato tolto da circa un mese...

E nemmeno in via Publio Valerio, dove i cassonetti sono stati tolti dal primo ottobre del 2010 e dove la situazione monnezza è pressocché immutata da allora.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

Mucinex Erectile Dysfunction

San Michele

Città: FABRIANO Titolo: Fabriano, chiesa di San Niccolo'. Il "San Michele Arcangelo" del Guercino. Opera presentata alla mostra di Mestre dal titolo "La potenza del bene. San Michele arcangelo nella grande arte italiana", al Centro Candiani, dal 29 Settembre 2008 al al 6 gennaio 2009. Sono state esposte al visitatore opere di altissimo livello, da Giuseppe e Bernardino da Asola, Bonifacio de’ Pitati, Jacopo Tintoretto, Lorenzo Lotto, a Molinari e Brusasorci....

L'arcangelo Michele uccide il drago (Borgogna, XII secolo).
In this medieval bas-relief can be traced geometries and symmetries significant. It affects primarily the triangular shape of the composition, the solid basis of the monster's body, still held firmly and property from the toes of the saint, the diagonal of the auction, who run from top to bottom, is one of the two equal sides of an isosceles triangle, whose other hand is formed by the leg and torso of the saint, in the act thesis decided to finally stop the dragon, the angel's head, which, although slightly bent, represents the apex of this triangle , and with an eye toward the head of the monster, as well as underlining the top-base ratio, down, in agreement with the spirit of the medieval time and sensitivity, a symbolic link between high and low, heaven and earth. If we compare this San Michele, for example, that of Piero della Francesca, to immediately grasp the difference: here the Archangel descends to earth to defeat evil, but there is still connected with the celestial world, so that the fingers of his feet immobilizing the dragon in the beads lose perspective planes are not visible but suggested almost as if they were invisible to the human eye into areas of metaphysics. The Michele di Piero is well flesh: man here on Earth aware of his strength and prorprio destiny: conquer evil!

"Guido Reni, St. Michael the Archangel, 1635, Rome, Church of the Capuchins.

The work, the artist commissioned by the brother of Pope Urban III, Antonio Marcello Barberini, Cardinal with the title of S. Onofrio (source, Malvasia), was certainly completed before 1636, because there is an incision with a prior history.
The painting is often cited by sources and greatly appreciated by the critics of the eighteenth century as the official emblem of the "ideal beauty .
Guido Reni he wrote in a letter to the steward of the pope: "I wish I had had a brush angel, or some form of heaven to form the Archangel, or see him in heaven, but I could not climb so high, and I searched in vain for the land. So I looked in that form, the idea that I established. "
The beautiful face, and delicate features framed by blonde curls, a figure in quick, rapid, decisive, whose movement is clear both in the drapery of her dress and cloak that the wide wingspan, is undoubtedly an expression of the world ideale.Le anatomical shapes, made even visible from the twisting of the body and the position of the legs and arms that win the enemy forces, give power to the tangible manifestation of the idea of \u200b\u200bvictory over evil. The sword raised and ready to strike raises the strength of its diagonal movement diretto con determinazione ad annichilire l'avversario.

" Le due tavole con Sant'Antonio Abate e San Michele Arcangelo sono opere di Filippo Lippi, dipinte a tempera,risalenti al 1456-1458 e conservate nel Cleveland Museum of Art di Cleveland (Ohio).Si tratta delle ante laterali di un perduto trittico commissionato da Cosimo de' Medici nel 1456."
Il volto dell'Arcangelo, un volto da giovinetto, è assorto in un'espressione quasi di "meditazione antecedente la lotta" e le armi di offesa (la lancia ) e di difesa ( lo scudo) sono pronte. Lo scudo, bellissimo, con quella sua luce che gli deriva dal bianco e dà risalto al rosso della croce, shining in contrast to the near blue belt of her dress, seems to express the sanctity and the splendor of the same micheliana, his struggle with evil at the same time herald the undoubted vittoria.Magnifica the position of the sword, in line with the temple, refers to the act of struggle and thought that a plane parallel to the shield, makes it clear that the fight against the "enemy" must necessarily correspond with equally thoughtful gesture of self defense.

" St. Michael and the Dragon" is an oil painting on wood by Raphael Sanzio. E 'kept in the Louvre in Paris.
Oil on canvas executed in 1505, 31 x 27 cm.
perfect balance of ideal forms and vigor that is expressed in the physical world: the idea is realized in the action. A face that perfectly combines the features of precision and power of expression: the beautiful cross formed from the line of the nose that ripples in a volitional movement already at the edge of the lower face with the eyebrows that emphasizes and protects the eyes focused on the action! And once again, here too the shield is white and marked by its convexity geometry of the cross axial symmetric in correspondence with the concavity of the wings. The figure is based on a vertical axis that culminates in the fist that holds the sword wielded against the infernal enemy. Agile and strong but elegant, the figure connects the three floors with its vertical parallel to each other, they have drawn the sword, the wings and the right leg raised in the momentum against the demonic monster the size of 'Archangel holds together in If the feeling, thinking and wanting the fight against male.Un 'other symmetry consists of two floors, which are also parallel to each other, dell'aureola and the spirit in which the monster holds the left knee of the Archangel: the two enemies face each other: the high spirituality against the lowest manifestation of evil, healthy thinking against the evil injury, creative thinking against the chilling petrified thought, purity of heart against the wickedness and selfishness, readiness for action against the slew of sluggish nulla.Qui in this painting, evil does not take the anthropomorphic form of a daemon as in the painting by Piero della Francesca, and other painters who have addressed this issue, does not put poisonous scales bearers of death as those of a snake or a dragon, but monstrous and manifests itself in many forms, reminiscent of the paintings of Bosch Dante's hell with those of the narrative representation of the figures of the damned at the bottom.

of Piero della Francesca, performed in mid quatttrocento, in the National Gallery in London, was part of the Altarpiece of St. Augustine for the church of Santa Chiara.
A young man dressed as a Roman soldier, who holds a sword, with which he killed the snake at his feet. The pictorial space is simple, but built with perfect balance of geometric forms. The colors shine, especially the blue background. The attitude of the figure is solemn and composed, firm and determined expression, the plastic shapes, bright colors.
Like this immensely "humanity" of the Archangel, the force of inner certainty that the greatest humanists of the time, like Piero, were able to understand and express in their works very well!

of Juan Espinal, the most important painter of Seville (1714 - 1783) of the second half of the 700 between the highest representatives of the "Rococo" English. El Arcangel San Miguel (Museo de Bellas Artes de Sevilla), is part of the group of 15 works on religious themes, considered the "flower" of his artistic production.
The painting here meeting offers us a beautiful face from St. Michael, with his large dark eyes gaze seems quite melancholy but in fact aware of pain and evil, royal attitude, with his back slightly backward and the arm stretched forward and the hand resting on the hilt of the sword. Here the Archangel is not shown in the act of defeating the beast but it appears in all its majesty, announcing as sovereign over evil. Even in the structure of this painting, as with other examined here, we can detect a tripartite plans that connects us with the deeper meaning of the story: the slight backwards arc formed by the wings of the angel and the body of the figure, the vertical axis the same and the equally slight concavity of the shield with the forward thrust of the sword. The vertical axis of the figure represents the full force of the higher, the motion back to the spiritual origins of the 'hero', the forward la determinatezza del lottare e dello sconfiggere le forze del male. Come ben dice la professoressa Biancamaria Rizzoli: "...armato ma non combattente, si erge nella potenza della sua gloria. E tuttavia il fondo con nubi colorate e tempestose ha qualcosa di apocalittico e annuncia una catarsi di cui l'arcangelo sarà uno dei protagonisti.".

"San Michele sconfigge Satana" : è un dipinto ad olio su tela, realizzato nel 1518 da Raffaello. È conservato al Musée du Louvre di Parigi.
L'opera, che è firmata e datata sull'orlo della veste di San Michele: "RAPHAEL URBINAS PINGEBAT MDXVIII" , fu commissionata a Raphael Pope Leo X, in homage to the French king Francis I. It is called the "Great San Michele" to distinguish it from the table on the same subject, also in the Louvre, but of much smaller size (31 cm x 26 cm), which was allegedly executed by Raphael around 1504, to be Guidobaldo Montefeltro, Duke of Urbino.

Saint Michael, painted by Beato Angelico .
gold background, blue robe studded with bright stars, as the tips of the wings still full of enthusiasm. The mantle of the human skin color, outlines the elegant neck supporting a head of blond, well-modeled as well as regular features of the face young but strong and conscious expression, then the figure came down accompanied by a mild and soft, floating down. Its light weight makes it move even more clearly the position of the Angel, whose figure is presented, with harmonious balance, still in space, with the attitude of those who his presence alone makes it already performs the action of which is for their own conscious choice, factor.

sword with his right hand tightly contested and held in a vertical position shows the force of "cosmic destiny", he wants the superiority of spirit over evil, victory and royal light on the clouds unhealthy ego conscious and confused bearers of death of the "dragon". The sword became scepter, is another symbol of royalty: the small ball held in your left hand. Slender and elegant, the figure of that in blue and the fabric of her dress reminds us of the stellar figure of the Virgin with her foot crushing the serpent's head, his blue cloak sprinkled with stars, combines the features common to 'agile composure religious iconography of the human figure when it expresses an inner firmly directed towards the healthy act. The same agility and composure of human thought, when it approaches the clarity of the decision.

Burgundy XII century

St. Michael wins the devil (Gonzalo Pérez, XV century)

San Michele Arcangelo - XVII century church of S. Antonino in Pofi

The church of San Michele in Lucca was founded in 1070, but was never finished. The facade is higher than the rest of the church, as evidenced by the canopy that would illuminate the interior, but remained in effect ... a blank window. Positioned at the top of the spire There is a bronze statue of Saint Michael defeating the dragon flanked by two angels. It 'more than 3 meters high, dating from the thirteenth century and is attributed to Guidetto from Como. The left hand of the angel is adorned by a ring with a red stone, which at certain times of the day towards the square reflects the sunlight. A popular legend attributes to reflect ring the power to grant a wish. (Photos and comments of Professor Bianca Rizzoli).