Monday, December 20, 2010

Are Electronic Roulette Machines Fixed

Jacqueline de Romilly: Una società che dimentica Omero finirà per dimenticare Voltaire.

Jacqueline de Romilly, specialista di civiltà e lingua greca, prima donna professore Academy of France, has died aged 97 in hospital Ambroise-Pare de Boulogne-Billancourt. He was the dean after the death last year, by Claude Levi-Strauss. "Greece is in mourning today," says Minister of greek culture.
Although he was ill for a long time, his death was a great shock to all his friends, as stated by the publisher Bernard Fallois. The teacher in fact embodied in France, the passion and the study of classical-humanist culture, and during his career sessanta'anni has written a considerable impact on the civilization of ancient Athens, from which all is built: philosophy, history, tragedy, comedy, sofismo…
Tucidide, uno degli uomini della sua vita
Piena di ammirazione per l’antica civiltà greca, che non finiva mai di stupirla, Jacqueline de Romilly ha lavorato molto sullo storico Tucidide, che lei stessa chiamava »Uno degli uomini della mia vita », ma anche su Omero, Eschilo ed Euripide. Ma ha scritto pure un libro sulla Provenza e quattro volumi di novelle.
« Mi rammmarico profondamente che oggi non lavoriamo abbastanza per la formazione e lo sviluppo della cultura attraverso i testi e la profondità dei grandi autori, perdendo così un contatto prezioso con quello che altri hanno pensato prima di noi » dichiarava Jacqueline de Romilly.
Quelli che hanno incontrato questa small white-haired lady, they have discovered that the Greeks made her so happy that seemed pervaded by a profound inner calm, passionate and full of humor, despite the c ecità that plagued for years. Jacqueline de Romilly
was born in Chartres. His father, a jew, a philosopher, was killed at the front when she was one year. He was raised by her mother, who was a novelist. He will meet a man she said "for three quarters jew", but he divorced. The name of his family stems from the fact that the Worms in the French Revolution, the original name, had bought the castle of Romilly, so we called it: Worms for Romilly.
A society that forgets Homer will eventually forget Voltaire
more interested in the aspect of modernity than to that of the Greek mythology, who also loved and deepened with real passion, Jacqueline de Romilly was full of admiration for this ancient Greek civilization was primarily because the great merit - in what the essential elements of its modernity - to have invented the "democracy", even though it excluded certain social categories such as women and slaves.
you so, so that she could speak of the relevance of this period of ancient history with that of Europe today!
And he observed: "We want the Children know the world around them. But what wonders for them to discover another world, different from that in which we are surrounded! Why think that we can derive benefits from a meeting with someone today in the life "real" and not from tête-à-tête with Hector and Andromache? '. Jacqueline de Romilly
regretted that the body of knowledge is undermined today by utilitarianism. A society that forgets Homer will eventually forget Voltaire, he said and took the view that the ancient greek should be accessible to all. In fact she wrote the second edition of 'Dealing with ancient greek "chef u an unexpected bestseller.
Grand Cross of the Legion of Honor
Only a "handful" of women deserves - Jacqueline said with mischievous irony - the life that I wish I had: the Jews under the occupation, which ended only with no children and no family, but with a career as a professor since in every "corner" as I had desired.
No nostalgia, no regret, therefore, in this intellectual who considered humans to recover, to right and, with the help of the past, invent something better.. " The Greeks
contemporary worship and often expressed their gratitude. And corresponding member of the Academy of Athens, Jacqueline de Romilly had obtained the nationality grec ring 1995 and was appointed Ambassador of Hellenism in 2000.
It 's a loss for our country
"He suffered greatly from a few tens of years to see studies of this language for you and this decline has been a huge pain." Gave up "France Info" Hélène Carrère d'Encausse, secretary of the French, adding that so miles to commemorate the scholar "would be to give greater importance to the Greek language, of which she was the greatest defender in our (the French) country" and concluded "It 's a loss for our country. '.
'By Jacqueline de Romilly off a great humanist, whose word will be missed, but we can and must grow through the many testimonies that she leaves us, "said Nicolas Sarkozy in his statement. And Francois Fillon has expressed his "pain" pewr the loss of "this lady who had a brilliant career. "
rosalia de old : free translation from the French part of Le Figaro, 19/12/2010 Mise à jour: 14:26
The statement titled "Hommage à Jacqueline de Romilly," contains al suo inizio, the word seguenti:
life and work of Jacqueline de Romilly are bathed in a pulsed light sources of a high civilization - Greek civilization - a flame that has passed and maintained its full life until his last breath.
Jacqueline de Romilly has contributed much to building intellectual young generation, education of the general public through his many books, only the liberation of women through the example she gave of his own elevation. E
Francois Fillon it suo ha espresso "dolore" di perdita pewr the "signora che questa Ebbe una carriera brilliant. "
Jacqueline de Romilly muore il 18 dicembre 2010 a
Boulogne-Billancourt .

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Virgo Love Horoscope For Today

la favola: esempi di narrazione

Quando narriamo una favola ai bambini, se noi stessi conosciamo un pò gli animali protagonisti della storia e ne abbiamo un'immagine delle caratteristiche fisiche, del "temperamento" e dei comportamenti, il racconto risulta più avvincente ed incisivo per i piccoli uditori. Narrando, sarebbe bene anche evidenziare i vari elementi della storia e le diverse sfumature del dialogo col gesto e con la voce. Ad esempio, se si vuol raccontare una favola che ha tra i suoi protagonisti la volpe, sarebbe opportuno che al narratore non escape the fox is "the symbol dell'astuzia of mischief smarter, not separated by a certain generous chivalry," as Edmund Brehm, its length nearly five feet and its tail "absorb" the 50 cm whole length. Telling you should be able to mimic the gait of the animal and a short description of the long-haired and bright, bushy tail and, in moments that are deemed most appropriate, include details such as the large head, forehead flat, the muzzle long and thin, slanting eyes and erect ears and sharp at the tip ... Speaking, where it seems appropriate to add elements that make the story more alive and more guess his moral dell'astuzia Fox to establish his dwelling among the roots of trees or in deep holes in which digs tunnels and the central chamber, a large shelter in the harsh winters and snowy night .... and its robbery Of course not everything has to be said "in one breath," for then sarebbbe a description of the animal and not a story, but having knowledge and knowing how to serve at the right moment, is certainly impressive for a child who listens.
reading fairy tales, more than about eight years, it is recommended later, around 11/12 years, but for now the best situation is to listen to fairy tales.
You can also tell stories tenendo conto del temperamento del bambino. Anche qui vogliamo fare riferimento all'antica cultura greca, che distingueva quattro ritmi fondamentali sui quali fondava la metrica e ai quali faceva corrispondere quattro temperamenti umani: il flemmatico al dattilo ( — ∪ ∪ ), il malinconico al trocheo (— ∪), il sanguinico all'anapesto (∪ ∪—) ed il collerico al giambo ( ∪ — ).
Certo, per chi possiede un temperamento flemmatico, la vita assume un ritmo più o meno tranquillo, ordinato, preciso, persino un tantino solenne a volte, proprio come quello del dattilo, o per chi è sanguinico tutto è arioso mobile nell'esclamazione world lives !.... and the proceeds go quick and joyous as the pace dell'anapesto; for melancholy reflection doubt demand a rethinking self-irony and humor that ... slow down the action and tempered the strong will to work often bypasses even think!
The study of human temperaments today is a complex and serious study that does not end in our notes these few, but certainly very interesting because it sheds light on the human race and its behavior.
When the child, "full" of stories told with love and now exceeded the twelfth year of age, is able to take individual taste the reading of fairy tales based on the models of the writers of the genre-smashing, it is also able to produce short essays in which with a good dose of humor deals with four different styles dictated by the temperament of the writer. Let us quote here a very nice example
There once was a fox, He was hungry. Find grapes on a high pulpit. Starts jumping but he was finally able to get her. "It is not ripe!" he said. And he went.
* angry *
a fox and red all over with a thick bushy tail! "Look what a fine bunch d'uva! esclamò. E prese la rincorsa!ora la prendo! ora la prendo! gridava al vento e agli uccelli dell'aria!! Sì la prendo, che bello!!! La prendo! Ma uffa! Non ci riesco! E' così alta! ed anche acerba! Ciao uva! Non fai per me!
Ah! Quella povera volpe con lo stomaco vuoto! Ormai è quasi 4 giorni che non mangia! Trova un bel grappolo d'uva ma, sfortunatamente, non riesce a prenderla. E così la povera volpe può solamente trovare la sconsolante scusa di vederla ancora immatura.
La volpe è un animale molto agile, fa parte della famiglia mammals and has reddish hair and the tip of tail. One day, he was very hungry, because for many hours, not eating because she could not find anything, find a bunch of grapes and immediately try to take it, but fails because the thrust of the legs is not quite appropriate to 'height of the pergola. Try it first, then with an even greater effort for a second time, managing to get much higher than ten cm, then a third time but failed to advance in height. Finally decided to think about what I lived and what to do finally realize that it is useless to insist that it would unnecessarily tired, unable to get anything because the grapes were too up and says that the grapes are not ripe, but it is not true because he has only said he will not feel cheated by the situation itself.
* * phlegmatic

Literary text:
A hungry fox saw some clusters of grapes hanging from a pergola and attempted to grasp them. But he could not. "Trash sour", he said to himself, and went away. Thus, even among men, there are those who, unable to inability to reach his goal, he blames circumstances. - Esopo -
Fabulae – Libro IV – IV, 3 – De vulpe et uva
Fame coacta vulpes alta in vinea
uvam adpetebat summis saliens viribus.Quam tangere ut non potuit, discedens ait:“Nondum matura est; nolo acerbam sumere”.
Qui facere quae non possunt verbis elevant,adscribere hoc debebunt exemplum sibi.
(Spinta dalla fame, la volpe cercava di prendere l'uva da un'alta vite, saltando con tutte le sue forze, ma non riuscì a toccarla; allora andandosene disse: "Non è ancora matura; non voglio coglierla acerba". Chi sminuisce a parole quello che non è in grado di fare, dovrà riferire a se stesso questo example. ) - Phaedrus. -
Rosalia de old

Sunday, December 5, 2010

What To Wear To A Military Retirement?

punto 4: quando le favole e le leggende? e perché? e perché non va detta la morale?

For a watchful eye does not escape the fact that around the eighth year of life, the child manifests some mutamenti nel suo modo di interagire con il mondo che lo circonda: egli ora comincia, sia pure gradualmente, a percepire l’ambiente esterno e gli esseri con i quali viene in rapporto come entità diverse da sé, non più sentite nella propria interiorità come parte di sé, ma come esseri dotati di un’esistenza individuale al di fuori di sé, con i quali poter tessere rapporti significativi di diversa qualità.
Vogliamo, a questo punto, fare una breve premessa e ricordare che i Greci rilevavano che la vita umana è costituita da settenni, ciascuno dei quali presenta caratteristiche proprie, sia manifeste e facilmente percepibili, sia interiori e profonde e dunque meno visibili ma certamente rilevabili, specie da who is trained to observe the depth of the human soul and the changes that occur in childhood. Like the Greeks, we can consider human life is divided into seven and noted that the child, after the first seven years after the birth of the world, now enters into a new "seven" of his life, a new cycle of experience and growth, according to which "sees" the world with "different eyes". In fact, he begins to separate from one dimension we can say "cosmic" dall'involucro originating from the years of early childhood kept him anchored to the prenatal world, a world still filled the primordial wisdom, and reality begins to settle in space and time, bringing his experience in a state of gradual awareness. "
It may be noted, for example, as a child, around the eighth year of age, he changed his way of drawing: If the child draws in a natural way, without the trait and its modes of expression or be affected by excessive Use of line, color or habit of areas already completed to very specific forms, or imitation of the forms taken from the large and varied world of comics and advertising, the drawing begins to take on two basic features: the intake of elements models, most often obtained through the spontaneous use of color and the same port to the first, beautiful, forms perspective. Comparing designs made, without any conditions of different types, from age children in question, even from different continents, can be detected in almost all the features set out above. Above all, it is noted that the drawings of this period of life the child's transition from "old" to "new" way of approaching to himself and the world, is evident in the design of the human figure: the legs and arms open in positions of movement in three dimensional space, and even become three-dimensional figures of animals and landscapes in chasing any number of storeys, whereas before the figures were "hieratic," and landscapes were rather "environments evoked, suggested by the various elements designed all on the same floor.
transposing the narrative level this change, it requires focused stories, which have in them suitable models to accompany the child in its first phase of knowledge of the terrestrial world and stimulate in him the option of watching it. Observation! Only observation, not opinion, it would be premature and therefore harmful, but sound observation of life in its natural, possibly with a slight fun humor! The child of this age it starts to observe nature in its four basic elements - fire, air, water, soil - which are configured in the places of the sky, the sun and sunrises and sunsets, the moon and the stars and planets .... and earth with its mountains and rivers, with its variety of plants and animals with its many swimming jumping flying creeps. ... but above all, though at levels not conscious, his attention is directed to men and to himself : Deep down inside, he already asked what kind of man is, what will of his own humanity, as will direct his steps toward the fulfillment of the destiny inherent in it, such as errors that would fail to self-realization must look of incurring. He has now "dropped" in the world, which looks for answers. As before, born recently in the world, his soul required to find in it the reflection of its origins and for this reason, as mentioned earlier, the tale itself as a literary genre completely satisfy that its inner necessity, now the story "ideal" for the little man in the making "is the story. And although the story remains a tale suitable to accompany any age in the human evolutionary process, the tale now becomes the "story-key" that corresponds most closely to the deep desires and unspoken soul of the child at this time of ' childhood.
genre completely different from the fairy tale, the tale has its own characteristics as regards both the formal aspect, with respect meanings and its purpose: it is a short poem in prose, in dialogue form, in which the protagonists are animals that behave as if they were men, and as such, have their strengths and weaknesses of mankind. The conclusion is a short sentence that constitutes the "moral" wise reflection on the behavior of animals as characters that resemble those of humans, thought to be considered as a warning to ethical concerns for humans. Now that the child begins to see the world they can already perceive the infinite variety of plans and the man presenting the potential but also the various choices, the stories in which animals are described, that although different entities by him, with him they share many aspects, are in immediate compliance with his inner self. The story stands as an effective form of ethical education, bringing as it does highlight the consequences of a given behavior. But, contrary to what one believes for the most part, in the story to children, should be omitted the so-called moral harden into a "formula" but rather must be recommended and encouraged the child from the same story of the narrative and the characters' personalities. It 's the same child who must begin to set in motion as well as his powers of observation, reflection and to deduct only the teaching of history. When proceeding in this way, we are surprised the sagacity and great imagination of children, as well as the richness of the linguistic capabilities of children who are very well able to find adjectives that tell the characteristics of the characters and behavior of the characters of the story. Children, you know, have a ratio of spontaneous, natural, high transport and confidence with animals. They approach the animals with ease, know how to imitate them very well, in most cases the animals are their most trusted friends ...
In fact, animal stories are good even when he is small, especially if they are happy and well built, but at this age only stories, not fables, which, in response to the fees already established, contains an element of early planning for the child in early childhood.
Along with the tale, for the child about eight years, it's also the key as a story of legends, especially about the plant world, and which to some may seem strange or inappropriate for several reasons, the biography of the Christian saints. But the reasons for the choice of the type of story (of course the stories are chosen with great acumen and wisdom!) Are rooted in facts which if applied without prejudice to show how most of them have finally realized here on earth in the world of human imperfection, actions not only well completed by the ethical point of view but also the result of hard work and dedizione all’azione. Del resto, nel profondo dell’animo del bambino di questa età è proprio questa la domanda che sorge e che lo accompagnerà per tutto il secondo settennio fino ad assumere toni drammatici in adolescenza: riuscirò io ad essere operoso, ad agire, a portare avanti le azioni che vanno realizzate affinché il mio destino si compia?
E’ esclusivamente in quest’ottica che va affrontato il racconto delle biografie dei santi cristiani, racconto importantissimo, come tutti gli altri di cui ci stiamo occupando, che sosterrà, come un equipaggiamento per la vita, l’adolescente prima, il giovane dopo, durante il passaggio duro dall’infanzia alla vita di uomini!
Verrà a moment in the life of Eastern saints, for reasons which we will then have a decisive role in the formation of the 'man in the making. "
But now we want a deal for one of these types of stories and we want to start with some examples of fable, leading to suffrage argument also produced some written by children.
For the next meeting: the story: how you can tell ....
Rosalia de old