Sunday, December 20, 2009

Little Smell White Meanstration


add a new link so that you can follow a serious phenomenon that is disfiguring and irreversible damage to all of our territories: CONSUMPTION OF SOIL

Friday, November 20, 2009

Where To Get Tech Deck In Mumbai


PUBLISH THE LETTER OF ALEX Zanotelli alone explains all the blindness of those who still struggle to understand the value of water and made it a mere political exercise!

Naples, November 19, 2009
privatized water

"Damn you ...."
I can not use another expression for those who voted for the privatization of water, which was used by Jesus in the Gospel of Luke, against the rich: "Woe to you rich ...."
Woe to those who voted for the commodification of water.
We will continue to cry che l’acqua è vita, l’acqua è sacra, l’acqua è diritto fondamentale umano.
E’ la più clamorosa sconfitta della politica. E’ la stravittoria dei potentati economico-finanziari, delle lobby internazionali. E’ la vittoria della politica delle privatizzazioni, degli affari, del business.
A farne le spese è ‘sorella acqua’, oggi il bene più prezioso dell’umanità, che andrà sempre più scarseggiando, sia per i cambiamenti climatici, sia per l’aumento demografico. Quella della privatizzazione dell’acqua è una scelta che sarà pagata a caro prezzo dalle classi deboli di questo paese( bollette del 30-40% in più, come minimum), but mainly from the impoverished of the world. If today 50 million a year die from starvation and related diseases, 100 million will die of thirst tomorrow. Which of the three billion people living today with less than two dollars a day, will pay for water? "We are
for life, water is life, source of life. And we are sure that theirs is only a Pyrrhic victory. For this reason we ask everyone to turn this 'defeat' in a renewed commitment to water, for life, for democracy. We are confident that this parliamentary vote will be a "boomerang" for those who have voted.
Our first is an appeal to the people, to every man and woman of good will. We have to start from below, from ordinary people, by the municipalities.
Thus, we ask:

-CITIZENS of protest against the Ronchi Decree, by sending e-mail to their parliamentary
-creating groups in defense of water as locally at the regional level;
-form themselves into cooperatives to manage their water.
municipalities to hold councils
-single issue in defense of water;
-state water common good, 'no economic significance';
-SPECIAL PUBLIC COMPANY make the right choice.

TO ATO-ATO to 64 (optimal territorial areas), now assigned to Spa in total public capital to transform itself into special agencies, managed with the participation of citizens.
-challenging the constitutionality of the new law as did the Puglia Region;
-pass laws on regional governance of water.

-unions to decide on the privatization of water;
-mobilize and mobilize citizens against the commodification of water.
-proclaim water a basic human right in the wake of the recent encyclical of Benedict XVI, which speaks of the 'access water as a universal right of all human beings, without distinction or discrimination "(27);
-protest as CEI (Italian Episcopal Conference) against the Ronchi Decree.
to inform their faithful on the water issue;
- organize in defense of water.
parties to
- to express very clearly their position on the management of 'water-
to propose a parliamentary debate on the law of popular initiative against the privatization of water, signed by over 400,000 citizens.
Water is blue gold of the twenty-first century. Together with the air, water is the most precious humanity. We want to cry now more than ever what we yelled in many squares and theaters in this country: "The air and water are absolutely essential to the basic goods and the lives of all living beings from birth and become the natural rights Untouchables-words of Archbishop Emeritus of Messina, G. Mattock. The water belongs to everyone and no one can be allowed to appropriate it to derive illicit profit, and therefore requests that continue to be run exclusively by the municipalities organized into public companies, which have always been a duty to ensure their distribution to the lowest possible cost. "

Alex Zanotelli

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Calories In A Braums Fruit And Yofurt Swirl

Disastro a Messina

The fact abnormal in recent times is not in the sequence of events such as earthquakes and heavy rains, but disastrous beyond measure the impact that these have on the Italian territory. The cause of the tragic events of the earthquake and destructive of the Eagle and the flood of Messina is in fact not to be found in the exceptional nature of the phenomenon that only a false consciousness autoassolutoria attempt to classify the category of natural disasters imponderable, but deep degradation which is produced intentionally in the territory, in the social fabric and the irresponsible act to achieve personal profit at all costs. Three things that are self perversely until any meteorological or seismic event, widely expected, is enough to frustrate any gain an illusion that you think you have achieved, aside from the enormous cost in human lives, economic costs resulting from the destruction of the fabric housing, infrastructure, tourism, economic activities and so elencando.Ai blows to the fragile Italian territory, on the brink of environmental collapse, the state responds with one hand and an empty high-sounding rhetoric while the other mass-media sneaky sneaky and constantly enacts laws aimed at dismantling and deregulation of all processing activities Territory, under the guise of administrative simplification. This leads to make licit the illicit thanks to the constant use of amnesties. But if it is built on active faults (and with inferior materials) as Aquila or damming rivers and choking as seen in Messina at this time, the blame is not the whole government, but also with the voracious appetite which individuals, builders or owners want at all costs, gain on pension property converted to agricultural land impressive speed (now only seen in perspective edificatoria) in areas to be built, legally or illegally (so then came the amnesty to heal), producing an savage urbanization of each luogo.L 'appearance most serious offenders but is silent on which the most is that the increasing environmental degradation and land, once endemic to the south, has now arrived safely in our own central regions is also increasing and with it the degradation of society, the sense of civic responsibility dell'affarismo and occupying government institutions such as municipalities and provincie.La voice of nature, which manifests itself through natural events, is the most effective warning for those who care about the existence in a world where life is worth happiness and humanity for all of us and especially for our children. Do not let him for cowardice in the hands of predators to their short-sighted gain are willing to destroy the same nature and with it all our good life.

By Andrea Antinori

Friday, September 25, 2009

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schools of the town of Altidona (FM)

"Clean Up the World 2009 "

The City of Altidona has joined and has promoted the 2009" Clean Up the World "Legambiente. The largest volunteer environmental initiative worldwide, the Italian version is coordinated by Legambiente throughout the country.
the morning of September 25, 2009, through the efforts of the City of Altidona for which they set the tireless environmental commissioner Antonio Putignano Isabella Cocci and City Council were involved in the school's 4th and 5th grade the coastal town.
The children accompanied by teachers and under the watchful eye of the green jacket and protective of Civil Defense, were immediately unleashed all along the seafront of the picturesque Altidona.
Present at the lively event the president Gianni Conte, and some members of the local Circle Legambiente "Stop-Valdaso.
Diversamente dalla scorsa operazione di “Spiagge e fondali puliti” svoltasi a maggio, sempre promossa e patrocinata dal Comune di Altidona in cui avevamo visto impegnati sia i bambini, ma anche i residenti, i turisti ed i sommozzatori fermani, questa volta è stata un’operazione tutta condotta dagli stessi bambini che erano già stati informati e sensibilizzati dalle insegnanti su questa importante problematica: i rifiuti.
Al termine della impegnativa raccolta di rifiuti abbandonati, avvenuta da parte dei bambini che erano dotati di un apposito kit costituito da casacca, cappellino e guanti protettivi, davanti a numerosi sacchi colmi di rifiuti abbandonati, abbiamo potuto scambiare qualche opinione con i ragazzi i quali, hanno shown so much care and sensitivity to this problem that plagues many cities. The same have realized that the world has a huge production of waste and their disposal is a problem that affects us all and which can be solved with common sense and good practice, by every citizen. They then realized the importance of recycling and recovery of raw materials which they represent, thus avoiding to cover the planet with waste and respecting the environment so as to prevent them from being buried or burned. The City of
Altidona takes this opportunity to disseminate and promote a virtuous action and to achieve an important goal in the short che ha attivato sul proprio territorio, ovvero la raccolta differenziata spinta dei rifiuti, anche attraverso la raccolta porta a porta e conta di raggiungere a breve una percentuale di oltre il 60%.

L’edizione “Puliamo il Mondo” è molto sentita sul nostro territorio perché è un momento di sensibilizzazione e di informazione verso questo enorme problema, la stessa operazione è stata infatti condotta anche dal Comune di Pedaso, dal Comune di Campofilone, dal Comune di Porto San Giorgio e da tanti altri Comuni della Provincia di Fermo che stanno promuovendo la stessa sensibilità nei confronti dei rispettivi alunni delle scuole primaria e secondaria.

25 settembre 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Do Illegal Immigrants Get Scholarships


time ago, in June 2009, we published an article in which he denounced the bad habit in the provinces of Ancona and Macerata to spray the herbicide on the slopes (go and reread). Publish now an e-mail that says the prof. Fabio Taffetani that describes the action that they intend to take:

"Dear John,
I thank you for having hosted and supported the battle against the use of herbicides in the roads.
The Province of Ancona also intends to go on his way to a presentation and announced with great fanfare nei prossimi mesi.
Sto cercando di organizzare (insieme ad un piccolo comitato di cittadini e produttori agricoli) la raccolta della disponibilità a partecipare attivamente da parte di quanti (singoli e/o associazioni) sono interessati a contrastare questo progetto.
L’obiettivo è sia quello di intervenenire in questa eventuale manifestazione provinciale, che organizzando nostre iniziative di informazione rivolta a tutti (cittadini, associazioni, enti pubblici) per la sensibilizzazione dell’opinione pubblica (oltre che dei tecnici e dei politici) e per l’elaborazione di proposte alternative.
Ho raccolto del materiale informativo sulla questione (che ho messo a disposizione di tutti sul sito ) and I have accumulated over the years an enormous amount of scientific research data (in Italy are among the few that deals with these issues) on the role of grass strips, on management and environmental damage resulting from the use of herbicides .
soon as I have a program of work I'll let you have in the meantime if you have news or suggestions will be especially welcome to suggest.
Best regards, Fabio Taffetani "

You are then invited to write on this blog or directly to the prof. Taffetani.
look forward suggestions and proposals.
To start you could organize an event cuisine based on traditional harvesting of wild herbs, wild asparagus and snails, a collection of delicacies that often occurs on the slopes today attacked by these herbicides. What do you think?
Hello everyone
Gianni Conte

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Difference Between Provigil Adderrall


continue to arrive.
turtles that I mentioned in previous posts, continue to arrive every day. The phenomenon does not stop. We both knees with fatigue, either for lack of space, is to pray that it stops. It came 25th in 20 days. 14 last week alone. Four Mondays, one yesterday and two today (for now). We know what to do, but we do not know the causes of the phenomenon. I informed the global scientific community, and I got responses and contacts from Spain, the United States, Australia and I can not remember who else. The answer is always, "the phenomenon is unknown but do not know the cause, our turtles were all bigger than yours". We did blood tests to all and almost certainly will do the analysis of DNA.Tre or four are very sick yesterday and went away to our veterinary clinic Giordano Nardini, the other shooting, and those arriving in mid-July are already good. We need help. Major economies, go here if you can and want to help out. In addition, there are people who live in Ravenna, Cervia, Cesenatico, Pesaro, Fano, Senigallia and available in case of discovery of turtles to go there, retrieve it and bring in Riccione. If you want, send me an email to: .
We are in the peak.

Meanwhile tomorrow three patients returned to the sea: are Rutger, made on June 6 for the removal of a large hook in the throat, Queen, caught by a trawl, and Sandro restored one of the small hours. Turtles going, turtles that are. If you want to come to greet the meeting is at 15 at our center Adria (height of the bath 44 to Riccione).

Sunday, August 9, 2009

I Want To Know About 3d Dvds


Too much sand in cement, is the alarm raised in the report of Legambiente "Ecomafia 2009." The following press release:

29/07/2009 13:06 Cement unarmed
dossier Legambiente In the list of works and the stories constructed with concrete "bogus"
There are roads, bridges, tunnels, schools, hospitals and even a courthouse, under construction in the Gela and a police commissioner, to Castelvetrano in the province of Trapani. And these are just some of the works in the long list drawn up by Legambiente in the file "Cement disarmed. Stories of a country at risk collapse, sand and concrete. " After the case of Agrigento the hospital association, to monitor the environmental situation of illegality in Italy has set up a real Observatory, collected in a document a list of works being investigated by the public prosecutors' offices around Italy. A common element of every story is the hand of organized crime to gain and makes money for their dirty business blacks saving on concrete and replacing it with sand. "What organized crime has in fact a kind of monopoly in the concrete market - said the vice president of Legambiente Sebastiano Venneri - is an indisputable fact. Just think of what happens in the province of Trapani where the state now owns 90% of companies producing concrete seized or forfeited to the members of the underworld, which until a few weeks ago provided the raw material for all the works of the area. As shown by a survey of police of Trapani - added Venneri - il quartier generale di Cosa Nostra sarebbe stato proprio nella sede della Calcestruzzi Mazara S.p.a, un’impresa della famiglia Agate, alleata di Matteo Messina Denaro”.
Tra le storie del dossier oltre a quella di Trapani, sempre in Sicilia, l’indagine della DIA di Messina che ha portato al sequestro di due impianti di calcestruzzo del valore di circa 50 milioni di euro che fornivano una materia prima di qualità molto scadente, come è emerso dalle intercettazioni tra i titolari della ditta riportate nel dossier. Seguendo la pista mafiosa la Procura di Caltanissetta, che ha decapitato i vertici siciliani della Calcestruzzi S.p.a, è arrivata fino in Veneto dove ha posto sotto sequestro i lotti 9 e 14 della A31 Valdastico. Analizzando i documenti sarebbero stati riscontrati significativi scostamenti tra i dosaggi contrattuali di cemento e quelli effettivamente impiegati. E’ della Dda di Campobasso, invece, l’operazione con il nome che è tutto un programma: “Piedi d’argilla”. Oggetto i nove chilometri della variante ANAS di Venafro sulla Termoli San Vittore: sessanta milioni di euro, inaugurata meno di un anno fa e per la quale l’ANAS è stata costretta a sostituire il 57% dei pali di calcestruzzo con una spesa aggiuntiva di oltre due milioni di euro.
Tra i casi più emblematici nell’elenco di Legambiente anche quelli in Calabria come la galleria sulla Statale Ionica 106, dove solo la prontezza degli operai nel fuggire, ha impedito che si consumasse una strage. Il 3 dicembre del 2007, infatti è crollata una galleria in costruzione in località Palizzi e le indagini della Dda hanno chiarito in seguito che il calcestruzzo, fornito dalle imprese legate alle cosche locali, non superava le prove di resistenza. Sulla sponda tirrenica invece è a Tropea il caso della scuola media realizzata con cemento di qualità talmente scadente che l’ingegnere del Comune ne decreta l’immediata demolizione dopo aver verificato che i valori di resistenza del calcestruzzo in alcuni punti dei pilastri erano inferiori alla metà di quelli richiesti per legge.
E in questa carrellata non manca la Campania dove un’inchiesta dei carabinieri della Dda di Napoli ha portato al sequestro di un’impresa di produzione di calcestruzzo gestito dalla camorra e imposto come “pizzo” a tutte le imprese di costruzioni secondo lo standard tipico mafioso.
“Riteniamo – ha concluso Venneri - che questi casi siano solo la punta di un iceberg di un sistema che per trent’anni ha prodotto manufatti e opere soprattutto d’interesse pubblico sulle quali è necessario, a nostro avviso, un’azione di monitoraggio e severo controllo. Per questo chiediamo al Ministro delle Infrastrutture di avviare un piano straordinario che, partendo da ospedali e scuole, effettui una ricognizione sulla qualità del costruito”.
Il dossier
L’ufficio stampa 06 86268379 -99

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also publish an appeal against the clumsy attempt by the Government wanted to pursue, while in other countries do not know how to dispose of, the production of nuclear energy!

OF FACT It is impossible to completely delete radioactive waste produced by nuclear power, which remain in the environment for hundreds of years, CAUSING AN INCREASE OF DEGENERATIVE DISEASES LIVING THINGS IN GENERAL ENVIRONMENTAL DAMAGE AND ALL. SAYING NO TO NUCLEAR
I want to breathe clean air, DRINKING WATER THAT WE DO NOT SEND RADIATION, ENJOY AN ENVIRONMENT THAT IS NOT damaged by toxic waste.

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publish an important call Hon. Domenico Scilipoti of Italy of Values, a member of the Environmental Commission VIII of the Chamber of Deputies. We can only publish and support this appeal.






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2006 6760 8346


Friday, August 7, 2009

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Tuesday, August 4, 2009

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Ad Montes: Abitante, citizen or client?

Ad Montes: inhabitant, citizen or client?

Rephresh Cause Burning


publish this Article reported by various newspapers such as:

Resto del Carlino, Corriere Adriatico,

Blitz Green Schooner. Legambiente "cover up the coastal plains," "Hands off the coast." E 'is the message that he wanted to run today on their way to Green Schooner Giulianova. The boat environmentalist activists demonstrated Monday, July 6 at Marina Palmense to express their opposition to the deposit of sand of about 500,000 cubic meters, accumulated over a period of three months from January 2007, a large green areas also turned on the coast fermana.Riflettori on heavy cases of illegal construction in Sirolo and Portorecanati and each of the resort a few miles from Blue Beach Ancona.Insabbiati. With the protest of environmentalist today the crew of the boat wanted to clearly express the desire to defend one of the most beautiful stretches of coast Fermo, the victim of an absolutely far from the plane coast on coastal renaissance. The sand accumulated in Marina Palmense was extracted from the seabed 35 km from the coast as a result of a concession granted by the Harbour of St. Benedetto del Tronto and for which the Ministry of Economic Development has expressed an opinion on this illegittimità.Nonostante, the Marche Region has approved il deposito, in modifica del piano costa, quale “cantiere costiero”. In seguito anche il Comune di Fermo ha appoggiato l’azione regionale, dichiarando il suo bisogno di sabbia per il ripascimento del litorale di Marina Palmense. Ma sui veri motivi che hanno portato alla sparizione delle spiagge non c’è chiarezza.“Richiesta palesemente strumentale – commentano Antonella Belletti, responsabile del circolo Legambiente Porto S. Elpidio e Gianni Conte, presidente del circolo Legambiente Fermo Valdaso –. Ci domandiamo inoltre il perché del rifiuto da parte dell’amministrazione di avviare una valutazione dell’impatto ambientale, dal momento che è già stato rilevato un rischio environment due to the salinization of the soil. Exacerbating the situation on the coast of Fermo is the fact that the sand deposited there for over two years is already declared in a wildlife oasis from the province of Ascoli Piceno. Legambiente as we also believe that the only nourishment without a real assessment of the causes which have aggravated the problem of coastal erosion, is not an effective solution to key environmental and sustainable. "In the meantime, the prosecutor is in a legal case in which they were indicted Mayor Still, the managers of the competent offices of the Marche Region and the company performing the work. And the cement industry has not spared the Marche coast: the case of illegal building in Sirolo and Porto Recanati. In June 2008, the Coast Guard of Ancona, on behalf of the prosecution, has impounded all four prior criminal establishments Sassi Blacks, in Sirolo, one of the most beautiful beaches. The measures were taken with the allegations of abuse of buildings, landscape constraint violation, illegal occupation of areas of the maritime domain and disfigurement of natural beauty and have been validated by the investigating magistrate of Ancona. Sirolo fact lies at the heart of Parco del Conero local beach and the plan is bound to the plane of park. following the seizure and the confirmation of the bond by the judiciary, the City has signed the order last November demolition of permanent structures along the beach. Order executed in its own way, the latest storms that have virtually liberated much of the illegal structures from the beach. Five other beaches abusive and put under sequestration in Porto Recanati, discovered by the Coast Guard in mid-March this year. Lastly the story of the Blue Beach resort, in the process of building up the mouth of the roller, a few miles south of Ancona in the Natural Park of Conero. The story of the village started in 1984, whose work had been suspended for the application of a constraint landscape, unfortunately have been taken up recently, thanks to a controversial opinion in favor of the Superintendent. In essence, a wild wave concrete exploding today after the past 25 years despite incredibly free of laws, constraints and environmental conscience. All perfectly in order.

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published an article by biologist Mark Battle of the Cetacea Onlus Foundation.

Small turtles in difficulty, in the Adriatic

Something happens to small turtles in the northern Adriatic. For a month in this part of the Hospital Foundation Cetacea Turtles shall be subject to hard work. The turtle strandings in the summer, on the northern coast del'Adriatico, are not uncommon. These are very often of carcasses of animals already dead and washed ashore by the currents. Occasionally a turtle is still alive and in trouble is reported, and this is then quickly recovered and admitted in the center of Fondazione Cetacea. Routine, more or less. But the problem these days is different.
on June 30 at Numana (AN) was found only a small turtle carapace length of 25 cm. It was very debilitated, very thin and above all completely covered with barnacles. The barnacles, or dog's teeth are white from the shell of crustaceans and hard, that live attached to substrates furniture, just as the shells of turtles. It 'very normal to find barnacles on the shell of turtles, but when they are sick and they move little, barnacles can also multiply and spread to the skin of the legs, neck, head, everywhere in fact. It was certainly the case in small turtle Numana.
Two weeks later, on July 15, in Ravenna is the second case: even this very small, only 23 cm, and this completely covered with barnacles. Not only that portion of the carapace had also developed a lot of algae, and there were also small mussels growing on them. The same day, still close to Ravenna, another copy with the same characteristics, but this time, unfortunately, already dead. Hence the growing
here: a little girl on July 17 in Fano, then 23 and 24 two copies, one Catholic and one in Cervia. 28, yet another, in Milano Marittima. Finally, here is the first weekend of August: The first major difficulty in the other two turtles, one in Ravenna and Cervia. The next day, Sunday is the turn of Rimini, with a little one of only 19 cm of carapace.
A total of 10 animals, of which nine are still alive and admitted to the Center of Cetacea in Riccione. All these specimens were found stranded or in distress within a few inches of water, spotted by lifeguards or swimmers.
All patients are similar, very small and so encrusted with barnacles also have from the eyes and even on the tongue. Then show some difficulties di nuoto, perchè la pelle delle zampe è “irrigidita” da questi crostacei. Da notare che la cura di queste piccole sfortunate è di fatto abbastanza semplice e rapida. Prima, due o tre giorni in acqua dolce. In questo modo tutti i balani e gli altri organismi sul corpo muoiono, e pian piano cadono. E’ una trasformazione notevole, ripulite in questo modo le tartarughe passano da un aspetto mostruoso a splendidi esemplari dal carapace screziato e bellissimo. Nel frattempo le tartarughe vengono messe a… dieta ingrassante. Pesce e calamari per ritrovare le energie e la forma.
Quello che non si spiega è che cosa possa causare questi casi. Il fenomeno viene descritto come Debilitated Turtle Syndrome, cioè molto semplicemente la Sindrome delle Tartarughe debilitate. E’ stato individuata e studiata già da diversi anni, per esempio in Florida e in Georgia, negli USA. Fondazione Cetacea ha già contattato ricercatori americani per uno scambio di informazioni. Sebbene però individuata e studiata, non si conoscono le cause di questa sindrome.
Quello che si sa è che normalmente una tartaruga molto debilitata tende a rimanere molto tempo ferma, ed è allora che i balani hanno tempo e modo di espandersi. Ma cosa ha prima debilitato la tartaruga?
E se non fosse così? E se fosse che alcune cause ambientali sconosciute provocano un sviluppo spropositato di balani, che “attaccano” poi le piccole tartarughe, rendendo loro il nuoto difficoltoso, and hence the deep state of exhaustion? We do not know, but no hypothesis has to be discarded. For example, the prolonged and intense heat of July, with temperatures above average, can have an impact?
It 's a bell'enigma, difficult to solve. What is certain that now all the turtles are recovering in hospital tanks of turtles, and that found in Numana June 30 has already returned to the sea, always Numana, last week. For others, a hospital stay more or less long, and then the return to freedom, between now and September. They went well, how many out there will have had their own luck?

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Inaccuracy Of Home Blood Pressure Monitors

Our member Christina, active employee of the club, send us a brief note calling the alarm about what still water is going public. We must mobilize to avert a serious threat to this essential good of humanity that can not and must not be good for the profit of a few! Even our water supply is under serious risk that, in fact they want to bottle our water, water for all citizens. 5 ATO auditors are reminded that if this happens will be in default nei confronti delle leggi.
"Il Parlamento italiano ha votato l’articolo 23 bis del decreto legge 112. L’articolo, del ministro G. Tremonti nel comma 1, afferma, che la gestione dei servizi idrici deve essere sottomessa alle regole dell’economia capitalistica. Di fatto, attraverso questa azione, il governo Berlusconi ha decretato la trasformazione dell’acqua pubblica in merce.
Cosa implica? I comuni, che dovrebbero essere responsabili e garanti dei beni comuni sul territorio, sono diventati proprietari di beni competitivi rientrando dunque, nella logica di interessi privati che prevaricano il bene collettivo. Come nel mondo industriale, il loro dovere e’ diventato quello di accertarsi che i dividendi dell’ “impresa comune” siano piu’ elevati nell’interesse del bilancio comunale. I comuni lucrano su di un bene ambientale pubblico! E’ completamente anticostituzionale! Questo mette il cittadino nella condizione di dover dipendere da un privato per cio’ che gli aspetta di diritto. Mette il cittadino nella condizione di dover subire aumenti anche del 300% sulla bolletta, se vuole che l’acqua continui a scorrere dal rubinetto di casa. A rimatterci e’ l’utenza e, principalmente le fasce deboli con minor reddito.
Secondo l’Osservatorio prezzi e tariffe di cittadinanza attiva nel 2007 le famiglie italiane hanno speso in media 230 euro in piu’. Il rapporto ISTAT sullo stato degli acquedotti 2008 vede a decline in the ability 'distribution network of over 1999. The business
blue gold does not produce improvements. It 's a system that benefits a few bad managers. It also encourages unnecessary and expensive technical advice. Very often falsified and distorted the competitive mechanism using sectors such as large groups acting through unlawful conduct. "

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pakistani Table Settings

A bad practice!

We give space to an SOS on the bad practice of giving herbicide to the slopes of our country roads. There comes a note of some citadino and university students who have launched an appeal. The observations may be sent to our friend Professor. Fabio Taffetani Polytechnic University of Marche.

For some health-conscious citizens of the territory an SOS to all those who love biodiversity, the balance of nature and our health ...

As you may have noticed recently along country roads and some municipalities there are horrible streaks of dry grass unfortunately because of the heat but the Rodeo Gold (herbicide) used glyphosate-based, not by farmers bordering the road who know the regulations, but by the operators of the Province of Ancona and Macerata.
Why is this happening?
Because the subjects in question have adopted a project of the Province of Ancona, endorsed by an agronomist at the Faculty of Agriculture, University Politecnica delle Marche in Ancona, called DBS (Pattern Wharf Road), with whom they want to "clean up" even tree species such as acacia, the tree of heaven, the brambles, the canes ... using glyphosate.
If you want to learn more, visit , click on news and offer everything to make sure you account for biological damage will result from this ill-considered decision.

GROUNDS of opposition ':
Shoes-RISK EROSION AND STABILITY Washout', the effects of the use of desiccant not long in coming, the first rains are noted widespread landslides
-LOSS COVERAGE AND MATURITY 'of herbaceous vegetation, where the trend goes back to 30-40 years of adaptation, while the chemical treatment gives the ground for the initial condition and exposes it to colonize few annual pioneer and aggressive, like oats
SELECTIVE NON-ACTION ON RED LIST, plants threatened with extinction and local disappearance (not in any way save as specified)
-DESTRUCTIVE ACTION ON TREE (used to hold shoes, Most are protected, they are often planted by farmers for the purposes of biodiversity and the restocking of hunting)
-potential danger to people transiting the RAW 15-24 HOURS (risk to the collection of wild herbs, asparagus, contamination, skin, eyes and respiratory system)
-landscape damage: damage to the development of rural tourism: the scarred landscapes from brown stripes
-RISK LOSS OF BIODIVERSITY 'over large areas, whereas that in the hilly areas, valleys and coastal plant wealth has been preserved almost exclusively along the rivers and escarpments of the main road network
-RISE FIRE HAZARDS: May onwards dry grass along the roads
-NO BENEFIT IN MATTERS OF TIME DEDICATED TO INTERVENTION because very often the treatment is done when the plants are already high and therefore it is necessary also mowing

-use of pesticides on land THIRD (riparian) as a minimum requirement of prior notification and informed consent
adrift on organic farms, with loss of certification on the parcels involved, and economic loss and unaware

If you have to make comments or share experiences about TAFFETANI write to Professor (Dept. of Environmental Science and Crop Production, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona): f.taffetani @ o presso

A tutte le Aziende aderenti al Distretto Rurale di Qualità o ad altre associazioni promuoventi il recupero del territorio e della biodiversità chiediamo di esprimere il proprio dissenso scrivendo un messaggio di protesta alle medesime per esortarle a fare qualche azione. Tutte le aziende comunque interessate alla questione potrebbero manifestare il proprio dissenso alla Forestale, alle Segreterie dei Parchi Regionali, alla Comunità Montana, al proprio Comune,… ognuno provvederà al meglio.Contiamo sul vostro passaparola per avere più forza.
Allegata alla presente una scheda scientifica sul presunto innoquo glifosate

P.S.: se siete disposti ad un incontro per fare il punto della situazione e mettere in piedi un ampio dissenso pubblico fatelo presente, potremo avere il supporto del prof. Taffetani Ordinario di Botanica Sistematica del Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali e delle Produzioni Vegetali.
Forza ragazzi in tanti si può…

Stefano, Daniela, Francesca, Cristina,….

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Difference Between Pityriasis Rosea And Ringworm


"Salve, mi scusi, ehm... vorrei un collutorio per gengive delicate, una confezione di fazzoletti balsamici e una confezione di pscvrscv..."
"Di che?"
"Un collutorio per gengive delicate..."
"E fin qui ci siamo"
" ... ehm... fazzoletti balsamici..."
"E anche questo l'avevo capito"
"E... una confezione di presvsfsivi"
"Perché sussurra, scusi? Ha detto preservativi?"
"Sssssssh.... non c'è bisogno che lo sappiano tutti!"
"Non vedo cosa ci sia da vergognarsi"
"Beh, saranno fatti miei, no?"
"Guardi, forse le sembrerà strano, ma siamo venuti tutti al mondo dopo una scopata, knows? "
" I do not need a biology lesson to know "
" If you say so ... How do you want? "
" What? "
" condoms "
" Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah ... well, I do not know ... Normal, I think "
" What do you mean normal? I see, I'll show you the packages "
" No, do not bother, it gives me a normal pack, no? "
" Ah, yes ... maybe you need a special measure, or his partner is demanding easy to say ... normal. We're not all alike, you know? "
" Oh, but what is today, the day of sex education? "
" In fact it seems to me that she is a bit 'fast information "
" Ok, OK, I give these here "
" Brominated? "
" late ... no, certainly not! I do not need! "
" So what? "
" These oranges here. The orange color is a positive, cheerful "
" Very true, too bad that they are far from a gifted, you see? "You have the elephant penis? These condoms will fit like a glove, without batting an eyelid." You have the elephant penis? "
" No. .. I do not think so "
" Big? "
... nno "
" average big? "
... on average, that's "
" On average, what? "
" On average in the media. Able-bodied! I mean, how many, what would I know? I never measured! "
" Yes, right! All the boys are competing with your friends by measuring the penis to see who's got bigger "
" Look, we could avoid this conversation? Thanks! ... But a look at what you must pay just to get a shag! "
" I do it for her. Put that his girlfriend needs ... I know, a stimulant? "
" It's not my girlfriend, is one that I met last night in a pub "
" Wow, what a rush "
" Look, around people are talking about prevention, AIDS, diseases sexually transmitted infections, should be happy that at least try to protect themselves, no? "
" Glad I? E 'that are just times changed ... when I was young I was trying to get to know you a bit ', a woman, before ... "
" Hey, Doc .. until it comes to advice on condoms can still tolerate, but to me it is also to do the moral, not that! "
" Then do as you think. A pack of three okay? "
" While we are face to twelve "
" So much for optimism ... "
" And while we're at a nice tonic "
" The only a 10 or 15 ml vials I give her the big box? "
" Look, you know what? I want to be honest with you ... I do not really see any, is that I made up an excuse for not having to confess that I buy them condoms to masturbate "
" Why? "
" Why I have a terrible hand dermatitis and not something I would attack the genitals "
" Dermatitis? How long will you suffer? "
" For a quarter of an hour earlier when I came into this pharmacy to buy condoms!! Nasty skunk, but it is so difficult for her to sell me a box of condoms? I'd understand if I asked for a gun or drugs! I pay too, you know? Look, this is my portfolio and these banknotes are still legal tender, at least until they grow old together in the hope that you will sell me the damn condoms! Do you think maybe we will come back to the old lire ... "
" Young man, excuse me ... "
" Grandma, I have not finished yet, wait his turn "
" No, feel young, with regard to condoms ... "
" What, you too have some advice for me? "
" No, no, God forbid. I just wanted to alert you that here in front of the supermarket have condoms on offer, the price of 24 to 12, and are also colored and flavored. Blackberry, black currant, orange, peppermint. Here, if you buy them, however, avoids the peppermint because they have an effect balsamic vinegar and let some fresh air to the lower parts. I do not know her, maybe he is also happy, but I fell asleep all Ambaradan and I do not enjoy it anymore. Besides, already there, if you intend to crank it up as I understood from his speeches, I suggest also buying a good lubricant, because after five or six hours up and down you risk a bit 'of friction. I also recommend not to skip the preliminaries, because if his partner is a bit 'timid need time to get her temperature. Some women are a bit 'like the diesel, they need time to warm up, but then van away like a train! When it is inside her, then, we put emphasis, gives some good drives, works very loins, spare no shots! There are women who like to be beaten by pretty well. And many who do not face as if they are silent and you hear them pant that you never know if they are having a heart attack or if you enjoy: say something! Give us in with the dirty words, with the titles ... Women also like to be mistreated, taken by force. She puts it on all fours, holding her hair back and see how the smile! Gave them to some 'tricks of sex? Well, if he has not he get some '... some vibrator, ovettino a stimulant, a pair of handcuffs and a latex catsuit. Well, time goes on, I have to make my purchases "
" Young man, you all right? "
" Eh? Ah ... Yes, yes ... sure. I go through ... "
" But I figured, you're welcome "

Dlin dlooon

..." Then Mrs. Rita, what I give today? "
" A bottle of solution and Schoum Tena Lady "