Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pakistani Table Settings

A bad practice!

We give space to an SOS on the bad practice of giving herbicide to the slopes of our country roads. There comes a note of some citadino and university students who have launched an appeal. The observations may be sent to our friend Professor. Fabio Taffetani Polytechnic University of Marche.

For some health-conscious citizens of the territory an SOS to all those who love biodiversity, the balance of nature and our health ...

As you may have noticed recently along country roads and some municipalities there are horrible streaks of dry grass unfortunately because of the heat but the Rodeo Gold (herbicide) used glyphosate-based, not by farmers bordering the road who know the regulations, but by the operators of the Province of Ancona and Macerata.
Why is this happening?
Because the subjects in question have adopted a project of the Province of Ancona, endorsed by an agronomist at the Faculty of Agriculture, University Politecnica delle Marche in Ancona, called DBS (Pattern Wharf Road), with whom they want to "clean up" even tree species such as acacia, the tree of heaven, the brambles, the canes ... using glyphosate.
If you want to learn more, visit http://www.museobotanico.univpm.it/ , click on news and offer everything to make sure you account for biological damage will result from this ill-considered decision.

GROUNDS of opposition ':
Shoes-RISK EROSION AND STABILITY Washout', the effects of the use of desiccant not long in coming, the first rains are noted widespread landslides
-LOSS COVERAGE AND MATURITY 'of herbaceous vegetation, where the trend goes back to 30-40 years of adaptation, while the chemical treatment gives the ground for the initial condition and exposes it to colonize few annual pioneer and aggressive, like oats
SELECTIVE NON-ACTION ON RED LIST, plants threatened with extinction and local disappearance (not in any way save as specified)
-DESTRUCTIVE ACTION ON TREE (used to hold shoes, Most are protected, they are often planted by farmers for the purposes of biodiversity and the restocking of hunting)
-potential danger to people transiting the RAW 15-24 HOURS (risk to the collection of wild herbs, asparagus, contamination, skin, eyes and respiratory system)
-landscape damage: damage to the development of rural tourism: the scarred landscapes from brown stripes
-RISK LOSS OF BIODIVERSITY 'over large areas, whereas that in the hilly areas, valleys and coastal plant wealth has been preserved almost exclusively along the rivers and escarpments of the main road network
-RISE FIRE HAZARDS: May onwards dry grass along the roads
-NO BENEFIT IN MATTERS OF TIME DEDICATED TO INTERVENTION because very often the treatment is done when the plants are already high and therefore it is necessary also mowing

-use of pesticides on land THIRD (riparian) as a minimum requirement of prior notification and informed consent
adrift on organic farms, with loss of certification on the parcels involved, and economic loss and unaware

If you have to make comments or share experiences about TAFFETANI write to Professor (Dept. of Environmental Science and Crop Production, Università Politecnica delle Marche, Via Brecce Bianche, 60131 Ancona): f.taffetani @ univpm.it o presso step53@alice.it

A tutte le Aziende aderenti al Distretto Rurale di Qualità o ad altre associazioni promuoventi il recupero del territorio e della biodiversità chiediamo di esprimere il proprio dissenso scrivendo un messaggio di protesta alle medesime per esortarle a fare qualche azione. Tutte le aziende comunque interessate alla questione potrebbero manifestare il proprio dissenso alla Forestale, alle Segreterie dei Parchi Regionali, alla Comunità Montana, al proprio Comune,… ognuno provvederà al meglio.Contiamo sul vostro passaparola per avere più forza.
Allegata alla presente una scheda scientifica sul presunto innoquo glifosate

P.S.: se siete disposti ad un incontro per fare il punto della situazione e mettere in piedi un ampio dissenso pubblico fatelo presente, potremo avere il supporto del prof. Taffetani Ordinario di Botanica Sistematica del Dipartimento di Scienze Ambientali e delle Produzioni Vegetali.
Forza ragazzi in tanti si può…

Stefano, Daniela, Francesca, Cristina,….


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