Friday, November 21, 2008

Essays On Qualities Of A Good Nurse

"Hurry up, honey, or we'll be late to the ceremony"
"But are you sure it's there where did they say? "
" Of course. They sent me an email summary, I have called and confirmed everything with even a telegram "
" But to me it sounds so strange ... "
" Why? Did not you read? Watch: "your worship is invited to the gala to be held at the XIII Festival of Cabbage, during which the story will be awarded to the winner of the 1st edition of the National Competition for Poetry and Fiction" Montalto Dora "
" But since when someone is awarded during the festival of Cabbage, sorry? "
" I do not know, but I won the prize and I pick it up "
"And if it was all a joke?"
"Why, I'm sorry?"
"Come on! Maybe it's a joke organized by those morons with your friends when you have fun you always jokes "
" Who speaks? Del Gianlu of Gianfri and Giangi? "
" Well, the simple fact that men close to fifty, with adjoining fatness and carry-over glitter, they are called by the diminutive yet so idiots should make you think ... "
'E' you do not have confidence in me, in my capacity "
" Well, considering that the last time you came out of six returned home wearing clothes that were not yours, con un perizoma leopardato in testa a mo' di benda ed eri completamente depilato, forse qualche dubbio sulle tue capacità intellettuali potrò averlo, no?”
“Ah, sì! Che spasso quella volta!”
“Spassoso anche il fatto che il “Gianfri” sia stato ricoverato d'urgenza per infarto al miocardio dovuto ad un eccesso di risa?”
“Eh, quella volta lì c'è mancato poco che non morisse dalle risate”
“Beh, comunque io continuo a non essere convinta di questa cosa”
“Ma perché? Se fosse stata la sagra della Pesca Nettarina sarebbe stato meglio? Ti saresti fidata?”
“Avrei avuto dei dubbi lo stesso but almost certainly less
"So, tell me what have you against the cabbage"
"But nothing ... that is ... come on, it stinks! "
" And you put your perfume
"As if it was enough! But if it is you that when I cook the cauliflower you walk around the house with a clothespin attached to the nose to smell it! "
" For a good night I'll brave face "
" If you do it for one night you know that do so for the rest of your life "
" How long do the ... however, you'll see that there will be no smell. Do you want an evening gala will be in a room that smells like cabbage? "
" Well, that time you won the suckling pig during the festival of crackling, we had dinner in a pretty stable ... "
" You're always ready to complain. What have you ever won? Eh? What? Eh?
... But according to you, I put the dress or suit is a little more challenging? "
" It 's a gala dinner, put the long evening dress "
" The one with the sequins? "
" The one with sequins "
"I just hope that the meal does not consist exclusively of dishes made of cabbage"
"Why? The cabbage ferments and produces ... In short, dai... fastidiosi movimenti intestini!”
“Sei la solita fissata”
“Fissata? Ti sei forse dimenticato quella volta, al matrimonio new-age di mia cugina, dopo aver mangiato il tofu ai borlotti, in che modo gli hai fatto gli auguri? Hai intonato “Perchè è una brava ragazza” a suon di scoregge!!”
“Eh eh eh eh ... Quella volta ho davvero superato me stesso. Mi hanno fatto la ola persino i camerieri del ristorante...”
“Promettimi che stavolta ti conterrai”
“Non posso promettertelo. Se l'ambiente è favorevole potrebbe anche ricapitare”
“Ricordati che sei lì per essere premiato! Durante una serata di gala!”
"Yes, but still part of the Festival of cabbage! If it had been more, well, snob, you probably would have made the award during the delivery of the Nobel Prize for physics or for peace! Instead we will be the festival of cabbage and you know, when the cabbage called ... "
" Oreste, I tell you plainly, let me make another fool, and I leave you "
" But if your father did nothing that say "ass horn, health of body! What do you want to be? It 'still a matter of course. I bet even the Pope farts "
" What touches me feel ... You deserve an excommunication "
" Well, if that should happen, I hope to give me the occasion of the feast of Rapunzel, at least "
" Yes, imagine if there is a festival like this! "
" Certainly yes, my beautiful ignoramus ... from parts of Forlì-Cesena "
" Maybe. But at least you can know what awards you? "
" I told you, I wrote a story "
" You? And when do you write? "
" From third grade "
" I meant ... writing stories! Mica you so suddenly from one day to another! "
" Well, I got inspired by the announcement. I wrote the story of a cabbage that was abandoned on the highway dai suoi padroni perché dovevano andare in ferie e non potevano portarlo con loro...”
“Omamma! Perché, povera bestiola?”
“Perché puzza”
“Ma allora vedi che ho ragione??? Lo dici pure nel tuo racconto che puzza!”
“Ma nel mio racconto si parla per metafore”
“Cos'è che sono?”
“Le metafore? Non lo so, l'ho visto scritto da qualche parte e l'ho usato. Mi piace il suono che fa... metafore... metafore”
“Forse sono parenti delle meteore”
“Ah, probabilissimo”
“Beh, e cosa succede a questo povero cavolo verza abbandonato?”
"Nothing, in practice it is picked up by a robber who pretends absinthe candies outside the post offices Casalpusterlengo and that the square to make the pole during a robbery at the Cash Rural and Artisan Calolziocorte. Only the cabbage that once there is distracted because he sees a pass of Brussels sprouts which falls madly in love. Too bad the Brussels sprouts and the secret girlfriend of the superintendent of Brindisi, who was away in Casalpusterlengo, visiting the sick father of gout. The cabbage, in desperation, attempts suicide by throwing himself under a TIR of Ukrainian origin whose driving is a turkish truck driver who suffers from nail biting, in an unguarded moment, turn left instead of right into, then, the road opposite to that taken by the cabbage, saving his life but only for 10 seconds, the cabbage, because the sudden change of direction of Tir, but is back on his feet that hit the car had turned left out of the bank that was robbed and the criminal he was supposed to be post. The owners of the cabbage, the day after, they read in the Corriere della Valtrompia the news of the end of their poor prognosis and cabbage, taken by remorse that grips their bowels, they founded an association of lovers of Bagna Cauda, \u200b\u200bnamed after him "
" Sniff ... sob ... but it is beautiful, Orestes! It seems a bit 'that film, it is called? Via col vento”
“Eh, in effetti, dai... un po' ho preso spunto, eh?”
“Scusa, sai, se ti ho offeso, prima. Non potevo sapere che avevo un marito così bravo e acculturato. A me è sempre sembrato che non sapessi scrivere. Quando compili i vaglia per l'abbonamento a “Camionista felice” leggo sempre di quelle castronerie! Ma il tuo racconto è davvero bello, bello, bello”
“Grazie Giusy. Adesso però finisci di prepararti che non voglio arrivare tardi”
“Son proprio contenta, guarda. Anzi, secondo me non potevano premiarti da nessun altra parte che a quella sagra lì. Un racconto così pieno di sensibilità... meglio che non ci ripenso, otherwise I cola trick "
" Well, oh my ... maybe you could even do a little effort, the organizers. They could call that guy, that famous director ... Spilberg and sell the rights for a film "
" And oh well, come on. During the speech award him threw out the suggestion as "
" Giusy Brava! And I want to Clun in the cabbage "
" Clun! Omamma if that man is beautiful! "
" And I want the film in cinemascope and I want the soundtrack, performed by Bitols "
" But Orestes! I know that Bitols are dead! "
" Are you sure? "
" very safe "
"It seemed to me that Pol Mecarti was still alive ..."
"But no, you're confusing. Look, what we use to go to the awards? The Bee or the truck? "
" Giusy! But we have to sympathize with us? Go with the van, right? The Ape! But I think we go with the Ape? Suppose we take home a prize, where we? In front of us is not with us, we should put him in the chest and if it gets ruined? Instead there is enough space on the van, right? "
" You're right! You're always right, you. Look, as much as you eat for free, if I bring a little 'containers? So we bring home a little something for tomorrow, no? "
" Ah, now you can free ride for free, you're lucky even the cabbage? "
" I did it for you, that are delicate nose. I like the cauliflower, I figured if I do not like cabbage "
" Okay. But few bring home that I do not want it to happen like last time, the meeting in the home building accountant Bella, you brought the shopping cart and I was upside down as we crossed the courtyard, his wife, very kind, you has also helped to put everything in the inside ... "
" Come on, Orestes! For whom do you take me? Come to an evening gala, carrying only two or three "
" Brava Giusy. And remember that it is not nice clean teeth with a toothpick. At least use the towel "
" But I can not do that to clean my teeth with a napkin! "
" But no! Put the towel over your mouth if you use a toothpick! "
" Ah. There. Speak out, no? "
" Phew ... are you ready? "
" Yes "
" Can we go? "
" Yes "
" You have closed the gas? "
" Yes "
" You have given to the chickens? "
" Yes "
" And the pig? "
" Uh! I forgot "
" Okay, so until tomorrow never dies. Also because tomorrow is that we sausage ... "


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