And now the story ... The class is not water
... considered "worthy" of publication of the Competition sull'antologia "Beyond the ruins" of Naples 2008!
Three were, we were three
Dicembrino The night smelled of smog and fog, though the latter was thinning out, leaving room for a sky dotted with stars. Under a streetlight, two motorcyclists a bit 'elderly were waiting for a friend, hopelessly late.
"I do not understand why, despite putting all its good intentions, I could never be late more than him. We left the house keys at least wait for the heat! "Baldo snorted, throwing away the stub still hot. The
Melchi shrugged: "I'll tell you, a me quest'aria pungente non dispiace. Può anche darsi che sia dovuto al fatto che mi sono fatto un paio di Vodka alla pera, però non mi dispiace affatto. E comunque è inutile arrabbiarsi. Da quanto lo conosciamo? Riesci a ricordare una sola volta in cui sia arrivato in anticipo?” chiese fissandolo negli occhi con aria divertita.
“Oh, sì! – esclamò quasi godendo il Baldo – Quando ha messo incinta la Susy! Un fulgido esempio di eiuaculatio precox”. Risero entrambi.
Si erano conosciuti ad un motoraduno e non si erano più lasciati: Gas era l'orgoglioso proprietario di una Harley-Davidson del 1980, il Melchi aveva una Moto Guzzi modello Falcone Turismo del 1952, tenuta talmente bene da sembrare a copy, while Baldo settle for a Triumph Legend tt900 1999. The
Melchi was still wiping away a tear in his right eye when he heard the unmistakable rumbling Harley.
"So, are you ready, old whores?" Said Gas accompanying the sentence with a flat.
"Be thankful that we are still here, idiot, - was the friendly greeting of Baldo - and that we are not transformed into ice statues." The joke was accompanied by a sound slap on the shoulder, which was muffled by the thick black leather suit. Gas
off his helmet and greeted the two with a rude gesture, "I have been late because I stopped to take the beer. I arrived while the super damper was falling relentlessly and I had to beg the cashier to get me, promising that I would have invited out for coffee. This is a human being only vaguely resembles a woman, then you should be rewarded for sacrifice ...".
Archie put on his helmet and put on the bike, followed by Melchi flanked by two others: seen from a distance might seem like a modern version of A Clockwork Orange, except that they were dressed in black, were driven, drinking beer and so on.
The classic "Gypsy" at Christmas, to be made strictly on the night of Dec. 24, had a single purpose: to move rumbling from one end of town, get in cima alla collina che dominava il panorama di Roma, brindare con dell'ottima birra d'annata e scambiarsi i regali. Niente di più e niente di meno.
Partirono quasi all'unisono e si infilarono nel dedalo di vie e piazze semi deserte della città eterna; sopra di loro un cielo terso e stelle a perdita d'occhio. Baldo capeggiava il trio di centauri, disegnando geroglifici con il copertone della sua Triumph e salutando con un colpo di clacson la città che si stavano lasciando alle spalle. La campagna li aveva appena accolti fra le sue braccia, quando la moto di Baldo cominciò a singhiozzare fino a fermarsi. Venne immediatamente affiancato dagli altri due. Quando spensero i motori il buio li avvolse in un abbraccio silenzioso.
“Che succede?” Melchi asked crouching next to Triumph and hacking between pistons and shock absorbers.
"I do not understand. I just did review, is perfect. I do not want to be a carburetor problem, "retorted Archie. Gas looked at the two trade groping and exclaimed: "The next time you get angry again because I'm late. At least my work! "
" But please! If it was your'd be at this whimper like a child! Rather to see ... "Gas had imperiously motioned to shut up and pricked up his ears:" You will feel that noise? It seems a lament ... "They stood a little 'listening until they heard a distinctly female voice. The Guzzi's hardly headlight illuminating the way but that was enough to be able to see, not far away, the dark shape of a car with a door wide open.
"What do we do?" Said Gas.
"I'm going to see" said the Melchi, followed immediately by the other two.
The car was an old Mercedes so neglected that it seemed impossible he could still move. The dim light inside the car lit up the scene: a man leaning over a woman with her legs wide open.
"Damn, this woman is giving birth!" Said Gas.
Baldo's response was swift: "And you should know something, right?"
The man in the car he noticed other and clung desperately to the sleeve of Melchi: "Lord, please, sir ... my molie is having my son. Help me, Lord "
The view that the three had exchanged a single meaning, but gas was to give voice to the question:" What do we do? "When she gave that cry
animal, almost miraculously all knew what to do : Melchi ran to his bike, opened the side pockets and emptied the contents in search of water, and disinfectant wipes; Gas did the same with the two leather bags with fringed Harley, Baldo snapped while closing the trunk and took out a gift bag that he began to vehemently reject. They found all e tre davanti allo sportello spalancato mentre la donna soffiava e urlava nel tentativo di dare alla luce quella creatura così incosciente da scegliere il freddo ciglio di una strada deserta per nascere.
“Sollevale la testa e aiutala a respirare” ordinò Baldo al marito della donna, che stava immobile a guardare la scena. “Muoviti!!” ringhiò, e in quella l'uomo si scosse ed aprì la portiera dall'altro lato, sollevando la donna per le ascelle. Lei sbuffò e gridò ancora, se possibile con più enfasi di prima.
Gas, seduto sul sedile passeggero, prese la mano della donna fra le sue: era gelata. “Respira, respira! Brava, così, forza... ce l'hai quasi fatta”
“Vedo la testa! Oddio, vedo la testa, vedo la testa!” gridò il Melchi.
“Cerca di non svenire come una donnicciola” esclamò Baldo.
“Facile per te che stai lì a fare un cazzo, vero?” rimbeccò il Melchi.
La donna cacciò un ultimo, tremendo urlo e con un istintivo movimento pelvico spinse così forte che il bambino venne praticamente lanciato fuori. Baldo, a sua volta, fu così pronto da prendere il bambino al volo e avvolgerlo in uno splendido maglione di cachemire arancione.
La donna si lasciò andare sul sedile, distrutta; il marito si mise a piangere e a ridere contemporaneamente. Il bambino, come da copione, vagì.
Sembrava la scena di Balkan film.
lacked only a gypsy music in the background. Baldo
tenderly laid her baby on the breast of the woman who raised her head and thanked him with her eyes.
Gas continued to hold her hand in his, trying to hide the tears that slid silently on the cheek. The
Melchi was the only one to break the magic of that moment: "It takes me a beer," he said, and walked to the motion of gases.
The night she found all agreed that alcohol was a good adjuvant against the cold.
"Unfortunately, I must confess that this should become your sweater, Melchi" Baldo said after his tongue in sign of approval.
Melchi looked Baldo, then the child: "You know what? It seems to me that he presents a lot more. "
Gas was finally able to leave the woman's hand or also for the fact that she continued to tug to get it back. Got out and approached the stranger, "Look, if you do not offend ... these are for you, "he said handing a couple of hundred euro banknotes. The man bowed his head several times, raising his clasped hands to the face.
"Now take it to the hospital, quick," he advised.
The three men, standing near the bike, followed the car with his eyes until it disappeared into the darkness. Baldo turned the key as part of its Triumph that miraculously started up.
"What do we do?" Said Gas.
"Say it again and you lie down," said the hard-nosed Melchi showing a fist, but you could see he was smiling. Baldo
looked around, then asked: "But the animals should not be summer fireflies?"
The side of the road was swarming with luminous dots. Concentrated for a moment at one point, rose to the sky and moved towards the city block.
looked like the tail of a comet.